Blue Violet - By Abigail Owen Page 0,78

hand and turned them toward the door. “Come on, graduate. They’re waiting for us.”

Ellie walked in, Alex right behind her. All the lights were off. Frowning slightly, she took a few more tentative steps. She saw hundreds of candles lining the hallway, illuminating a blanket of rose petals scattered along the floor. Simply beautiful.

She glanced uncertainly over her shoulder at Alex, who just shrugged. “Let’s keep going and see what they’re up to,” he said vaguely.

She followed the trail of candles and petals, past the kitchen and dining room and into the living room to the scenic windows. The room was covered in candles and rose petals.

Everyone stood there smiling.

“What’s this all about?”

“Why don’t you turn around and find out,” Griffin suggested, a wide grin breaking across his face.

She turned to see Alex down on one knee before her, a gorgeous diamond ring held in his hand, sparkling in the candlelight.

Ellie gasped, tears rushing to her eyes.

“We are te’sorthene. You are the other half of my soul. I’ve waited more than a century for you and find that I cannot wait another moment longer. Would you do me the great honor of marrying me?” Alex said simply. He might have said more, but he was clearly choking up.

Ellie flung herself into his arms, nearly toppling them both over as she cried, “Yes, of course I will marry you!” She was rewarded with a deep kiss.

Alex slipped the ring over her finger and helped her to stand up. He pulled her back into his arms, expelling a pent up breath.

She gazed at him, love shining clearly in her eyes.

“Were you worried about my answer?” she teased. She pulled back to take both his hands in hers.

“I was only worried that you would think the timing was too soon.” He grinned, letting go of one of her hands to rub the back of his neck.

“It may appear that way to the rest of the world,” she told him softly, recapturing his fingers and then bringing both his hands up to her lips where she lightly kissed them. “But you and I know how long we’ve been in this world. And how rare a thing our finding each other truly is. Why would I want to wait? How could I?”

Alex laughed, utter joy in the sound. He picked her up and spun her around the room. And then they were surrounded by their family, kissing them, congratulating them. Even Griffin looked thrilled, which made Ellie very happy. They’d had only each other for so long.

“Will you give me away?” she asked him softly.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way. Do you even have to ask?” he whispered as a tear gathered in the corner of his eye. He glanced down, blinking.

After enjoying a lovely dinner, they all retreated to the living room to talk and start planning the wedding. Ellie stood back observing the scene. In just a few short months, her entire world had changed in ways she could never have imagined.

She felt Alex’s arms steal around her from behind. “Happy, baby?” he murmured in her ear.

She gave a contentedly blissful sigh. “Happier than I’ve ever been….ever thought I could be. I’m so lucky.”

She turned in his arms and gave him a kiss that spoke of her love, and her happiness, and her hope for their future.


Griffin watched his twin. She glowed with a radiant delight that lit her up from within. And he couldn’t have been more overjoyed for her. At the same time, though, he’d never felt more completely alone than in this moment. Ellie had found her te’sorthene. But what she didn’t know, what none of them knew, was that Griffin had found his as well. A silver-haired angel who’d appeared to him in so many dreams he’d lost count. A Vyusher. One of the Vyusher responsible for killing almost everyone he’d ever loved. And he could never have her. Fate apparently had it in for him. To make the potential source of his greatest happiness also the source of the worst event of his life was just cruel. Bitterness seeped into his being, and darkness threatened to crush his very soul.

Griffin turned away from his tormented thoughts and joined in the celebration, refusing to contemplate the future further. It held no promise for him now.

Dear Reader,

Thank you so much for trying out a self-published author. I loved every second of writing this book, and I hope you enjoyed exploring this little world I created that has been floating Copyright 2016 - 2024