A Bloody London Sunset - By Jaz Primo Page 0,81

So, I have the latitude to act in his best interests as I deem necessary,” she explained while looking at Caleb. Then she glanced at Devon. “Providing I don’t run contrary to Katrina’s wishes, of course.”

Katrina had spoken at length with Paige regarding what she had said to Devon concerning their agreement, and she felt it important to mirror Katrina’s words as closely as possible to avoid confusion.

“Of course,” Devon replied with a nod.

“I was hoping you might tell me a little about yourself,” she prompted. “That is, unless you feel uncomfortable discussing such personal matters with us.”

Devon considered the two of them for a moment and told them much of the same background story he had related to Katrina, though he glossed over the details of his relationship with Nadida. Caleb found his tale somewhat intriguing from a historical perspective, and he almost forgot his anger at Devon during the recollection. Paige had already heard the story once from Katrina, but displayed respectful interest as the tale was relayed.

“And here we are,” Devon finished and turned to Caleb. “But before we speak further, I’d like to offer my apology for attacking you that night at the preserve. I thought you were prey, but I should have curtailed my hunt after you declared yourself a vampire’s mate. For that, I am particularly sorry, and I hope you’ll accept my apology. And while the offer stands no matter your response, I harbor no resentment if you decline. In my past, I’ve been hated by people who didn’t know me for who I truly was, and yet I haven’t allowed it to make me a bitter person.”

Caleb remained thoughtfully silent for a moment. “Yes, I can see where, in your past, you may have been hated by others simply because of the color of your skin, which is certainly reprehensible. But then, you weren’t hunting them as food at the time, either. Despite that, and hatred aside, does the rabbit not dislike the wolf by its very nature?”

Devon’s eyebrow rose in a degree of surprise and appeared introspective as he considered Caleb’s response. Paige’s hand tightened ever so slightly on Caleb’s thigh, and she glanced at him with a slight frown.

Interesting. I hadn’t looked at it quite that way before, she mused.

But before anyone spoke, he continued, “But I’m willing to accept your apology in the spirit in which it was offered. However, while I can’t guarantee we might ever be friends, I can certainly agree to be polite and respectful in the future. And I appreciate the gesture of your apology.”

Paige looked sidelong at her young charge with a curious expression, admiring his diplomatic craft. Devon, too, seemed impressed.

“Thank you,” the towering vampire replied. “And yes, I can agree to polite and respectful dialogue from this point. I’m confident Katrina would encourage that, as well.”

Caleb took a swig of his Coke as he glanced at a picture of an elk on the wall to his left. While he wasn’t feeling as angry or anxious as when he arrived, he wasn’t feeling overly happy about being there either.

“There’s something else, actually,” Paige interjected. “There’s a small matter of your blood supply.”

Devon looked taken aback and corrected, “I’m afraid you’re misinformed. I don’t maintain a blood supply here.”

“Exactly,” she agreed. “But if you’re going to be around Caleb much, then I insist you do. I don’t want you encountering him when you’re hungry.”

Devon nodded with understanding, but countered, “That’s a rather expensive prospect for me, you understand.”

“I appreciate your circumstances,” she said. “I was there myself not so many years ago. However, I’m prepared to carry your delivery and blood supply expenses under my account at no cost to you.”

Devon looked up with genuine surprise, and even Caleb cast a perplexed glance at his blonde-haired protector.

“Why?” he asked carefully. “Why would you do that? I mean, forgive me if I seem suspicious, but you have no direct vested interest in my agreement with Katrina, so I’m not sure what your incentive might be.”

The corners of Paige’s mouth rose, and she casually draped her left arm behind Caleb’s lower back. “Understand: I’m Caleb’s surrogate vampire. That means his interests are now my interests,” she explained as her blue eyes penetrated Devon’s.

Caleb smiled and placed his right hand on Paige’s upper thigh.

“And that’s all the incentive I need,” she added with a glance at Caleb.

Devon’s eyes went between Caleb’s and Paige’s faces, and he nodded, as if in understanding. “This is all very unusual to

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