A Bloody London Sunset - By Jaz Primo Page 0,80

the circumstances and recalled how scary she had been at the estate when interrogating an intruder last December. He shivered slightly at either that memory or the biting wind, or both. “He’s huge, Paige,” he recalled quietly as events from the night at the wildlife preserve replayed in his memory.

“Babysitter’s on duty, so don’t worry,” she replied. “Now quit stalling.”

He felt her hand pat the small of his back gently, and he slowly walked up the driveway towards the house. He stopped at the foot of the small front porch for a moment and sighed, but he felt the gentle pressure of Paige’s hand at his back again. He glanced back over his shoulder at her with a dark expression, but she merely stared back with mild amusement.

“Something funny?” he asked.

“Sorry, but Katrina’s so right. You’re really cute when you’re annoyed,” she observed with a smirk.

He rolled his eyes and felt her arm encircle his waist as she pulled him forward to stand before the front door with her. She reached out and rang the doorbell once.

A moment later, the door opened to reveal Devon Archibald wearing a pair of faded blue jeans and a black t-shirt. He towered above both of his visitors, but had a pleasant smile on his face. “Please, come in,” he offered as he stood aside for them to enter.

Caleb took a moment to stare up at the tall, muscular vampire. He intended to allow Paige to enter first, but he felt her arm press him forward, and she followed him into the small entry area.

Devon closed the door behind them, and then held his hand out to shake Caleb’s politely. “Welcome to my home. I hope you’ll permit me the courtesy of starting our introductions over by shaking your hand in a gesture of mutual respect and civility.”

Caleb wasn’t happy to be there, but he conceded that there was no reason for him to be rude in the vampire’s own home. He extended his hand, only to have it disappear in Devon’s. But the vampire grasped his hand with a courteous degree of pressure and shook.

“Pleased to meet you, Mr. Taylor,” Devon offered formally.

“Likewise, Mr. Archibald,” Caleb replied, feeling a little silly.“You can call me Caleb, I suppose,” he added.

“Thank you,” the towering vampire replied. “And please feel free to call me Devon.”

Afterwards, the vampire moved to shake Paige’s in turn. “It’s nice to finally meet you in person, Paige.”

“Likewise, Devon,” she replied. “And thanks for seeing us on short notice. I hope that didn’t create any hardships for your schedule.”

“Not at all,” he replied, gesturing towards the living room for them to enter. “Please make yourselves comfortable.”

As they entered the living room, Caleb scanned the room warily before sitting next to Paige on the couch. He took particular interest in the pastoral paintings depicting wildlife and outdoor scenery, and he frowned at the seemingly domestic setting before him. His throat suddenly felt dry, and he coughed into his fist to clear his throat.

Devon started to sit down, but glanced at Caleb when he heard him cough. “Caleb, would you like something to drink?” he asked. “I have Coca-Colas in the fridge.”

His eyebrows rose. “You do?”

Devon nodded as Caleb found himself feeling somewhat surprised by the revelation. It was his favorite cola, though perhaps Katrina had tipped him off to that.

“Well, um, please,” Caleb stammered. “That would be nice, thank you.”

“Glass or can?” Devon asked.

“Oh, a can would be fine, thanks.”

Devon looked to Paige, but she shook her head. “No, nothing for me thanks.”

The large vampire disappeared around the corner, and Caleb looked at Paige with upraised eyebrows. She nodded back at him reassuringly.

Well, he seems polite enough tonight, Caleb thought.

Devon returned with an open can of Coke and handed it to Caleb.

“Thanks,” he replied, accepting the beverage. “Much appreciated.”

Devon smiled pleasantly and sat in the reading chair opposite from them. “What brings you to grace my doorstep tonight?” he inquired.

“Caleb and I thought it would be a good idea to meet you in person,” Paige began. “I’m not sure when I’ll be leaving town, and I didn’t want to miss the opportunity.”

Devon appeared thoughtful while steepling his fingers before him. “I’m surprised Katrina didn’t join you,” the large-framed vampire observed. “I thought perhaps with Caleb being present for our first official meeting…”

She smiled in a manner that wasn’t reflected in her steely gaze and casually placed her left hand on Caleb’s thigh, of which Devon took immediate notice.

“I’m Caleb’s guardian, his surrogate vampire.

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