Blood and Wine - Margot Scott Page 0,37

says. “This place wouldn’t be the same without all of your efforts.”

I keep my smile pasted on as Edward rambles on about legacy and things we leave behind. Glancing around the table, I catch three sets of eyes staring back at me. I feel like a clue under a microscope, like the key to something bigger than me.

“Mariah,” Edward says, “getting to know you has been a privilege. I’m sorry you had to come under such tragic circumstances, but I hope the beauty and splendor of this place has helped ease the pain of your loss. You’re eighteen now and your old house is now in your name. While I’m certain Baltimore is ripe with fond memories for you, I think Isabella would want you to stay. Personally, I hope to have you with us for a very long time,” he says. I shiver. “Cheers.”

We lift our glasses. As soon as the wine touches my tongue, I taste it.

Copper. Iron. Blood.

Will’s blood.

I drop my glass.

Chastity shrieks. “My tablecloth!”

Red sweeps across the white fabric like time-lapsed clouds rolling over a town. A bit of it even soaks into my dress. Edward’s gaze follows the stain as it approaches him.

“I’m sorry,” I say, my voice trembling. “It just slipped out of my hand.”

“That’s all right,” Edward says. “I’ll get you a fresh glass.”

“Actually, I’ll just have a soda.”

“Of course.” His smile is taut as he pushes back from the table.

Chastity stands. “I’ll get it for her. I need to grab about five gallons of club soda while I’m at it.”

Staff appears to help extricate the tablecloth. We begin eating. I sip my soda sparingly and eat my dinner quickly, hoping no one will notice the sweat beading on my upper lip.

Will was right about the wine, which means he’s probably right about the rest of it. He’s here somewhere, trapped.

A staff member clears my dinner plate and replaces it with a smaller one. Chastity sets a white cake down on the table. Candles are lit. There’s a half-hearted attempt at a Happy Birthday sing-a-long. I blow out the candles, wishing to survive the night.

Edward hands me a knife. “Will you do the honors?”

“Sure.” My hand shakes as I cut the first piece, and my heart stops as I lift the slice away from the rest of the cake, revealing a red-velvet center.

I taste blood in the cake. God knows how much blood I’ve consumed since I arrived at this place. I force myself to chew and swallow, feigning interest in Lilliana’s classes and Christopher’s upcoming lacrosse game.

After dessert, I’m brought to the library where I’m given presents to unwrap. A pale pink scarf from Lilliana. A Tori Amos CD I already own from Christopher. A set of scented candles and bubble bath from Chastity.

I thank them for the gifts and excuse myself to my room. As soon as I shut the door, I drag my suitcase from the closet and start piling my clothes inside.

Halfway through packing, I stop.

I can’t just run away. If Will’s caged somewhere on the property, I need to find him and free him. He said something about Edward forcing him to kill me. My head swims. I sit on the edge of the bed and concentrate on my breathing.

I can’t seem to take a deep enough breath.

My limbs give out.

I’m on the floor.

My spirit manifests a few feet from my unconscious body. I gaze down at myself, confused. Did Edward drug me? I don’t think I drank enough of the wine for whatever was in it to affect me. Maybe he put it in my food?

The doorknob clicks.

A voice hisses, “Is she passed out yet?”

Lilliana pokes her head into my room. “She’s out.”

Christopher slips in behind his sister and immediately shuts off the light. I watch, rooted in place, as he lifts my body into his arms without much effort.

“Did you see Dad on your way up?” Christopher asks.

“I just left him in his study,” Lilliana says quietly. “Let’s go.”

They carry my body out of the room, shutting the door behind them. I follow.

Christopher almost hits my head against the wall twice on his way down the stairs. Lilliana hisses at him to be careful. Whatever they’re doing, they clearly don’t want Edward to know about it.

After passing through the foyer, they come to the door that leads to the cellar.

Lilliana pulls a heavy set of keys from her pocket and tries one. It doesn’t work. She tries another. The door opens.

I trail them down the steps Copyright 2016 - 2024