Blood and Wine - Margot Scott Page 0,36

He looks at me like he knows something terrible is going to happen, and I hate it.

I want us to go back to the way we were, when I thought I was falling in love. I do love him. That hasn’t changed. But the fear he instilled in me that night lingers in my body like muscle memory.

Maybe he really is a demon, and I just didn’t want to believe it.

“How come I still can’t see the future?” I ask my mom. We are on our way to the edge of the field where Will usually waits for me, but he isn’t there. It’s the middle of the day, so he’s probably not expecting me. I don’t often take naps in the afternoon, but today’s birthday, and I wanted to spend it with my real family.

“Maybe you will someday,” she says. “For whatever reason, right now, your powers are manifesting differently. Honestly, sweetheart, it’ll be a blessing if you don’t inherit the sight. It breaks your heart far more often than it helps you.”

“Will thinks Edward is planning something terrible for me.”

“Edward is always cooking up some grand plan,” she says.

I stop walking. “Mom, is Will a ghost?”

She gazes pensively out at the vines.

“Mom, for once, just be straight with me, please.”

She takes my hand in hers. “Will told you what he is.”

“So, he really is a demon? Or a vampire? Is there even a difference?”

“I don’t know.” I figure that’s all I’m going to get out of her, but then she says, “You have to be brave, sweetheart. Use your gifts. Don’t let Will’s doubt convince you it’s hopeless. He doesn’t remember how to hope. You have to remind him.”

The wind plays with our hair.

“You know what’s coming,” I say. “Tell me.”

“Will already told you.” She pets my cheek with sadness in her eyes. “Happy birthday, baby. I’ll see you soon—”

Knocking. Loud and swift.

I open my eyes to the dimly lit room. The horizon out my open window is peachy pink. It’s a perfectly crisp October evening. At first, I’m not sure whether I’m asleep or awake. Then the knocking resumes. I roll out of bed and rub the sleep from my eyes, then open the door and wish I could close it again.

“I hope you know the only reason I let you nap all afternoon is because it’s your birthday,” Chastity says, her expression pinched. After the incident with the smoothie, she and I have successfully been avoiding each other, until now. “Dinner’s going to be served in the conservatory. It’s your special night, so dress accordingly.”

I thank her curtly and shut the door, wishing I could crawl back into bed. I hate that I have to share this place with my father’s family. If I could sleep forever and live out the rest of my life in the spirit realm, I’d do it in a heartbeat.

I shower quickly and slip into Edward’s birthday gift to me, a red, beaded-lace dress. He surprised me with it this morning after breakfast, with a card that read, A special occasion deserves a special dress. Happy Birthday.

As I enter the conservatory, I’m met by the warmth of hundreds of twinkling lights strung around the room. Even some of the plants have been wrapped in string lights. I’m surprised to see Lilliana seated at the table, back from school on a weeknight. She eyes my dress with tepid interest.

“Happy birthday, Mariah,” Edward says, as he enters the conservatory. He takes my hand and spins me so he can see the full effect of the dress he bought. “I knew red was your color. You look absolutely stunning.”

“Thanks,” I say. He pulls out my chair for me, and I sit down. The skin on the back of my neck prickles. I stroke my nape. Something doesn’t feel right, or maybe it’s me that doesn’t feel right. Either way, I wish Will were here right now.

A moment later, we’re joined by Christopher and Chastity. Edward pulls the cork from an unlabeled bottle of wine and pours me a glass. I watch the deep red liquid swish around the bowl, and my throat tightens.

“The birthday girl gets a special vintage,” Edward says.

I smile tightly, remembering what Will said about there being blood in the wine.

Edward stands at the head of the table and raises his glass. I brace myself for what I’m sure will be another uncomfortable toast.

“I can’t tell you how much joy it brings me to have my whole family here tonight,” Edward Copyright 2016 - 2024