Blitz (Blast Brothers #3) - Sabrina Stark Page 0,40

was pissed.

But hey, I was pissed too.

Not at Mason.

At Angelique.

Chapter 28


The next morning, I arrived at the office early only to find Brody leaning back in my chair with his heels propped onto the surface of my desk.

It was a dick move, and I should know. I'd been doing it to Mason for years. But if Brody thought he could get a rise out of me, he was dead wrong.

I was no Mason.

I stopped in the open doorway and glanced at my watch. It was just past seven, and I'd come in early to get my ducks in a row before the shit hit the fan.

The real shit-show wouldn't be happening for a few months, but today was when Mason and I would be discussing damage control.

Last night, Mason had gotten too cranked for his own good, but he was right about one thing. A public relations plan couldn’t hurt.

Taking my sweet time, I strolled forward and claimed one of my visitor's chairs. As I sat, Brody frowned.

I knew why. I should be booting him from my chair.

Not today.

Today, he could have it.

As I made myself comfortable in one of the chairs opposite him, I asked, "Aren't you supposed to be in Colorado?"

"Not anymore."

"Why not?"

"Because," he said, "I’m spending the day at the office."

"Yeah, but why?"

"The way I hear it, to keep you and Mason from killing each other."

I gave him a look, but said nothing.

With a laugh, he said, "Hey, it wasn't my idea."

"So whose was it? Mason's?"

"Are you kidding?" he said. "Nah. It was Arden's. Or maybe Cami's. Either way, they figured I should be here."

Arden was Brody's fiancée. Cami was Mason's. Arden and Cami were best friends, which meant that a lot of communication went on behind the scenes.

I asked, "Don't you have something better to do?"

I didn't mean it as an insult. Brody's job was important, and it didn't involve sitting around talking about my sex life – or rather, my sex life according to Angelique Delmonico, who I'd dated off and on for maybe three months.

Across from me, Brody said, "Too late now. The flight's already canceled."

"So grab another," I said. "We'll be fine."

He scoffed, "Says you."

"C'mon," I said. "When have I ever lost control?" Sure, I made other people lose control, but even that I could handle.

Brody said, "Maybe it's not you they're worried about."

"So Mason then?"

"Hard to say. But I'm supposed to give you a message."

"From who?"

He gave me an ominous look. "From both of them."

So, Arden and Cami?

This should be good. With a scoff, I said, "Alright, let's hear it."

"I'm supposed to tell you that goading him won't help matters."

Him – meaning Mason of course.

If I were the type to sigh, I would've done it now. I had two brothers and one little sister. The sister was still in grade school, which meant that I wasn't accustomed to getting sisterly advice, especially of the unwanted variety.

These days, I was getting a double dose.

Arden and Cami were full of helpful ideas. And whether they realized it or not, they shared some of the blame for my recent change in behavior. They'd gotten me thinking, and not in a good way.

I didn't want to be thinking, especially now. Deliberately, I changed the subject. "So, what about Colorado?"

"I'll head out tonight," he said. "Assuming you and Mason are done fighting."

Oh, for fuck's sake. "We're not gonna fight."

Across from me, Brody looked unconvinced. "We'll see." He removed his feet from my desk and leaned forward in my chair. In a low voice, he said, "Speaking of fights, how much of it is true?"

"You mean in the book?" I shrugged. "Don't know, I haven't read it."

"You're kidding."


Brody's eyebrows furrowed. "But I thought Mason left it with you."

"He did, but I only skimmed it."


"And it's ninety percent horseshit."

"And the other ten?"

"Ask me when I'm done reading it." I paused at the realization that Brody was familiar with some of Angelique's claims. "Wait a minute, did you read it."

Brody shook his head. "Nah, but Mason texted me a picture of the outside – front and back. That's why I asked about the fights."

Right. The fights. According to the description on the back cover, my relationship with Angelique had been volatile, with plenty of knock-down, drag-out fights. She'd called them screaming matches.

What a joke. She'd done her share of screaming, alright, but most of that had been in the bedroom, and it hadn't been with anger.

As far as our relationship, we didn't have one – not the way she made Copyright 2016 - 2024