Blitz (Blast Brothers #3) - Sabrina Stark Page 0,39

my visitor pounded again.


I knew the knock.

It was Mason. And judging from the sound, he was royally pissed.

But hey, what else was new?

And it's not like I hadn't been warned.

It had been at least six hours since I'd talked to Brody, and I hadn't heard anything since – not from him or Mason.

Now, judging from the racket, I was about to hear plenty. About what, I had no idea.

I stood and reached for the remote. I flicked off the TV and ambled toward the noise. Any other visitor would simply use the doorbell. But not Mason.

It was like the guy liked pounding on my door.

I pulled it open and said, "Can I help you?"

He greeted me with a familiar frown. "What the fuck?"

"And your point is…?"

Like myself, Mason was tall and muscular, with dark hair and dark eyes. Tonight, he was wearing jeans and a dark jacket. With a hard look, he asked, "You got something you want to tell me?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. Do I?"

He shoved his way past me and headed toward the living room. Over his shoulder he said, "Get rid of her."

I looked around. "Who?"

"How should I know?" he said. "Just tell her to leave, so we can talk in private."

Finally, I got what he meant.

Now, this was fucking embarrassing.

I was home alone. And I'd been alone for at least a couple of months. Even the few times I had gone out, it had been for business, not pleasure.

But hell if I'd be explaining myself to Mason. With a scoff that he'd never understand, I told him, "She already left."

Yeah, a couple of months ago.

I couldn’t even remember who "she" was. A blonde, brunette, maybe a redhead. Lately, the faces had been running together, like a movie played in double-time.

From the look on Mason's face, he wasn't buying it. He glanced toward the master bedroom and asked, "Do I need to check?"

"Check what?"

He made a sound of irritation. "Your bed."

I gave him a look. Asshole.

Already, I'd had enough of his shit. And he should know better.

Even if I did have a guest, I wouldn't be tossing her out just because he said so.

I replied, "Sure, if I can check yours."

His jaw clenched. "What?"

"You wanna check my bedroom? Be my guest. But I'll be doing the same to you."

He practically growled, "Just try it."

As if I would. Not too long ago, Mason had gotten engaged to someone a lot nicer than himself. I liked her. Hell, everyone liked her.

But that didn't mean I wanted to see her naked.

Sure, she was cute and all, but even I had some sense of decency.


Just not much.

As far as Mason, I hadn't seen him this angry since last year – meaning all of last year, until Cami.

Before her, he used to be in a shitty mood all the time.

These days, he was positively jolly in comparison.

Except for now.

So either the thing with the fiancée had gotten old, or something was seriously yanking his chain.

Just to be a dick, I asked, "Problems at home?"

His frown deepened. "What?"

I made a show of looking at the nearby clock. "Well it is midnight."


"So she kicked you out, huh?" I gave a casual shrug. "Can't say I'm surprised."

It was a joke in more ways than one. His fiancée was a sweetheart, and the truth was, I couldn’t see Mason getting kicked out of anything, much less his own home.

He was too stubborn for that.

In reply, he tossed a big black book onto the coffee table. It hit with a thud, and I gave myself a mental kick for not noticing it when he first came in.

Probably, he'd tucked under his arm, but that was no excuse. I was seriously off my game.

I spared the book half a glance. "What's that?"

Mason's mouth tightened. "As if you don't know."

I turned and gave the book a longer look. He'd tossed it face down, so all I could see was the back cover.

From here, I could just barely make out the small picture of the author, along with a few paragraphs of white text, too small to be readable at a distance. Once again, I zoomed in on the photo. It showed a woman with lots of blonde hair and plenty of makeup.

I moved closer for a better look. As I did, her face became all too-familiar.

I paused in mid-step. Fuck.

Not that book.

It wasn't due out for another few months, which was supposed to give me plenty of time for damage control – and to warn my brothers.

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