Blackstone Ranger Scrooge - Alicia Montgomery Page 0,75

That is impressive.”

Had he been transported to another dimension? Did Stepan Dashokov actually compliment him?

“What did you think he was going to do?” J.D. asked. “Back down? Cam is smart, brave, and strong.”

Stepan’s laser-like gaze zeroed in on J.D. “‘Though she be but little, she is fierce.’”

“Shakespeare,” Cam said. “Midsummer Night’s Dream.”

“What, you think you’re the only one who reads? So, little cat,” he said to J.D. “I have this feeling you’ve been sharpening your claws, waiting to swipe at me. What have I done to you to deserve such hatred?”

“It’s not what you’ve done to me,” she began, “but what you’re forcing Cam to do.”

“J.D,” Cam began. “You don’t have to do this.”

“But I do,” she said. “This blood oath business, threatening your grandmother, forcing you to give up a career you love, possibly sentencing me to a life of dinner parties and balls. He needs to answer for it.”

“Blood oath?” Stepan sneered. “Why would I care for that?”

“Isn’t that why you’re here?” J.D. asked. “Why Arabella told you about this ball? So you could come and ensure Cam would be fulfilling the blood oath of your brother? And that his mate would be worthy enough to bring honor to your name or whatever shit deal he made with you and your family?”

Stepan’s cool expression didn’t falter. “I must admit, I was intrigued when that silly Englishwoman contacted me. I had to see for myself what kind of man Aleksandr turned out to be and what mate fate had chosen for him.”

“I’m sure you didn’t expect me,” J.D. said.

“I did not.” But there was a hint of amusement in his tone.

“I’m not the perfect, blue-blooded mate you were hoping for the man who’s about to take over the family company, am I? Sorry to disappoint you.”

Stepan huffed. “My brother was the one obsessed about pedigree. He seemed to be intent on erasing our past. Before our coffers grew and our power expanded. To forget about those cold, winter nights we spent huddled on the cold floor of whatever rat hole shelter our father managed to find us for the night. The blue bloods turned us away when he begged for a morsel even while they had so much. But I recall it was working men, the tradesmen—the grocers, the electricians, the truck drivers, and yes, the mechanics, who, despite what little they had, would always have a crust of bread to share with us or space by their hearth to keep us warm. It was those people I did not forget.”

“Stepan,” Natalia began. “Igor, may God rest his soul, helped grow this empire we all benefit from. But … we must accept that he is gone, and perhaps … we do not have to adhere to the wishes of an old man.”

Stepan immediately understood Natalia’s words. “I see.”

Hope soared in Cam’s chest, giving him the courage to speak up. “I know I was groomed to take over the company. And that it was grandfather’s wish and fulfillment of the oath he made to you and your brothers.”

“A blood oath cannot be broken,” Stepan stated. “Igor was to produce an heir to take over the business.”

“Well, it seems to me that he already fulfilled his oath,” J.D. continued. “He did sire an heir—Cam’s mother. No one said it had to be a male heir. Unfortunately, she died before she could take over, right? There was no mention of what were to happen if the heir died, and no promise of her grandchildren fulfilling the oath. Just the heir.”

Stepan thought for moment. “Yes, it seems you are right.”

J.D., you are a bloody genius! He wanted to kiss her right now, but held back.

“Aleksandr,” his uncle began. “If you have no objections—”

“None,” he interrupted. “None at all. You can take the lot of it—I mean, I relinquish any control or claim over the company holdings.”

“It’s not as easy as that,” Stepan said. “There is paperwork to be done. Announcements to the rest of the family.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes.”

“You shall retain your shares, of course.”

They could bloody take them all and hand over one ruble to him and he’d be more than happy. But there was one thing left. “And of course, my grandmother’s safety is ensured?”

“Of course,” Stepan nodded. “She is released from the blood oath.”

“Yes!” J.D. cried and hugged Natalia. “Oh my God! I’m so relieved!”

Cam, too, felt like a giant weight had been lifted off his shoulders, one he’d been carrying around since birth. “Thank you, Uncle.” He was Copyright 2016 - 2024