Blackstone Ranger Scrooge - Alicia Montgomery Page 0,76

sure, however, that it wasn’t a hardship for Stepan. He’d probably been waiting for decades for a chance to take over. After all, he had young, strong sons of his own, and would want to see them eventually rise up in the world.

“Well, this has been an exciting evening,” Stepan said. “I must go and make a few phone calls.”

“I shall stay for a while longer with Aleksandr and J.D,” Natalia said.

“Of course. And if I do not see you before I leave, I bid you goodbye.” He bowed to Natalia, nodded to Cam and Jason Lennox, and to his surprise, winked at J.D., before he walked toward the waiting limousine.

Cam turned to Jason. “I’m guessing you know what to do with this trash?” He said, motioning to the still-unconscious form of Roy Jorrell.

The dragon shifter’s eyes glowed. “You bet.” Walking over to the prone form, he picked up Jorrell with one hand. “I’ll lock him up in one of the closets until the police get here.”

Cam let out a distasteful snort when they disappeared into the castle. “Good riddance.” His polar bear was satisfied for now, but it was still agitated because that man who hurt their mate and attempted to steal her was still breathing.

“Aleksandr,” Natalia embraced him. “For years, I’ve seen you grow sad and bitter, but you accepted your fate because of the blood oath.”

His throat closed up. There was always that tension between them, that unspoken thought that he was doing what he was supposed to because he didn’t want her to die. “I would have gone through with it. Whatever it took. A thousand times if I had to, to keep you safe.”

“I know, lyuba,” she said, tears in her eyes. “But now, you can finally live your own life. I’m so happy for you. And for your mate.”

“Thank you.” He pulled J.D. close to him. “I love you, J.D.,” he whispered. “Thank you. For everything.”

“And I would have gone through with it, too, you know,” she said. “I’d follow you to the ends of the earth. Put on the most uncomfortable gowns and the highest heels for you. Talk to the most important and boring people on earth and muzzled my potty mouth.”

“Now I know you really must love me,” he quipped.

“I do, you weirdo.” She sighed. “I guess we’ll have to find a way to make ends meet on your ranger salary, huh?”

“I suppose we’ll have to tighten our belts.” Of course, between his trust fund and the value of his shares in MedvedDaz, neither of them had to work another day in their lives.

“You can live with us, Your Highness,” J.D. put an arm around Natalia. “I have a spare room for you. We’ll decorate it with some nice curtains.”

Natalia laughed. “I would be happy to make use of your room for a visit, but I think it will be more useful as a nursery, eh? And really, you must call me babushka from now on.”

“Babushka? Hmmm. Too long.” She tapped a finger on her chin. “We’ll figure out another nickname for you. I—oh crap.”

“J.D.? What’s wrong now?” Cam asked, his polar bear going on full alert.

Her hands slapped over her forehead. “I almost forgot! It’s Christmas!”

“Christ—oh.” He looked at his watch. It was already past midnight. “You’re right. Merry Christmas, love.” He pulled her close.

“Merry Christmas. But I forgot to get you a present,” she whined. “And this is our first Christmas together.”

The love in his heart filled his chest with much lightness and warmth, and using the bond, he pushed that feeling to her. Her eyes lit up with recognition.

“Love,” he began, kissing her square on the mouth. “You’ve already given me the best Christmas present of all.”

“And this is the bestest, most perfect Christmas ever,” she said, then pouted. “Well, almost a perfect Christmas.”

“Almost?” he said in a mock offended tone. “I serenaded you in a crowded ballroom to declare my love and dueled for your honor! How much more perfect of a Christmas could this be?”

“Weeeellllll, we just need some—” She gasped, her eyes lighting up as they grew wide.

“Love? What’s wrong?”

“Look.” She nodded at the sky.

“Look? At what?” He blinked as he lifted his head. All he could see was darkness and … a single white snowflake floating down. It landed on the tip of his nose, then melted.

“See!” J.D. cried, ecstatic. “I told you! I told you it was waiting to come down at the right time.” She let out a whoop as more flakes Copyright 2016 - 2024