Blackstone Ranger Scrooge - Alicia Montgomery Page 0,60

all kinds of important people. Probably host them, too. And meet more kings and queens than there are fingers on my hand. Arabella … she … she would be the kind of woman that could do all those things for you. I’m just a mechanic’s daughter from Brooklyn.”

“Don’t.” He wanted to tell her she didn’t have to worry about anything. But J.D. was too smart for that, and he respected her too much to act condescendingly. “There’s nothing you can do or say that would make me not choose to be with you.”

“It’s okay, really.” She took a deep breath. “And I’m glad this happened. Because I’m not giving up, Cam.”

“You’re not?”

“No, goddammit.” She placed her hands on her hips. “I’ll do what it takes. I’ll put on a fancy dress, learn how to say all the right things, have the manners and social grace. I’m going to be such a good mate for you that people will shoot rainbows out of their fucking asses if I ask them to.”

There was a species of goats native to North America called myotonic goats. These goats had a peculiar genetic condition that made their muscles seize up when they were frightened, causing them to fall over, and thus many nicknamed them “fainting goats.” J.D.’s declaration had scared and thrilled him at the same time that he couldn’t move, as if his own muscles were suffering from myotonia congenita. So, he remained in place, staring at her for what seemed like eternity.


As if it had been shot by lightning, his brain kicked into gear. “You’re so fucking brilliant. And I love you.”

This time, it was J.D. who seemed to have suffered from fainting goat syndrome, because her knees buckled from under her. His quick reflexes, thankfully, saved her from completely falling over. “Are you all right?”

“Did you just say … that you …you love me?”

“I do,” he said. “More than you’ll ever know.”

She kissed him, mashing her lips into his hard. He returned the kiss with the same fervent ardor, sweeping his tongue into her mouth and tasting her sweetness. His admission only made the feelings he’d been keeping inside for so long burst out like a dam broke inside him, and he wanted her to know the depth and breadth of his love for her.

Neither of them pulled away for a while. Eventually, their biological need for oxygen overrode their passion and they broke off the kiss. “Let’s go inside.” She dragged him with her. “I need you. Now.”

Chapter Thirteen

J.D. knew she couldn’t just turn into the kind of mate Cam needed on her own. No, she needed help. So, she called on the cavalry—that was, her friends—to help her look and act like a lady. They, of course, were more than happy to assist her, and next day, they all met at Dutchy’s house.

“Don’t you worry, J.D., we’ll find you a dress,” Dutchy assured her. “I have a few things in storage I can easily tailor, and if you don’t like any of those, we can go to Aunt Angela’s shop.”

“And we’ll find you the perfect lingerie to wear underneath,” Sarah added. “Right, Darce?”

“Oh, definitely.” Darcey clapped her hands together.

“Two questions.” Gabriel had his hand up in the air. “First, what does it matter if she’s wearing the right underwear? No one’s going to see it.”

“Because nothing makes a woman feel more powerful and confident than wearing sexy underwear,” Sarah answered with a twinkle in her eye. “Trust me.”

“All right. Well, second question, what the hell am I doing here?” Gabriel asked, scratching his head.

Beside him where they were cuddled on the couch, Temperance giggled. “Because J.D. trusts you, and she needs a male’s perspective and opinion.”

“Then why isn’t Damon here?” Gabriel whined. “Or any of your mates?”

“Do we really want to get fashion or hair advice from my husband or those other guys?” Anna Victoria asked. “You’re, like, the most qualified male among them, Gabriel.”

“Well, when you put it that way—”

“Guys, come on,” J.D. groaned as she dramatically plopped herself down on an armchair. “We have less than a week to get me ready for this shindig.”

“I still can’t believe Cam is related to royalty,” Sarah said. J.D. had told them everything that had happened in the last two days, about Natalia, the business empire Cam was set to take over, and his relationship to King Aleksei.

“And he’s a duke, too,” Dutchy added. “Oh, I wish I could make a gown from scratch for you! But who knows, maybe you’ll Copyright 2016 - 2024