Blackstone Ranger Scrooge - Alicia Montgomery Page 0,59

to take any chances, and she probably needed some time alone. He would drop her off, and if she didn’t want to speak to him, he would leave her for now.

His bear, however, disagreed. It urged him to make things right. It didn’t care how, but it was unhappy at J.D.’s current mood.

We just need to leave her alone. Just give her some time. Maybe I can call Aleksei and ask him to un-invite Arabella. He and his second cousin were not close, but maybe— “Sonafabitch!”

J.D. screeched when he slammed on the brake, her hand slamming on the dash as her seatbelt prevented her from careening forward. “What the hell, Cam?”

Anger seethed in him, threatening to boil over as he saw the familiar black pickup truck outside J.D.’s house. Not even bothering to turn off the engine, he flew out of his Range Rover.

Where the fuck is that bloody wanker? He wasn’t in the truck, and so he proceeded toward the house. Sure enough, that bastard was there, standing on the porch. But what the hell was he doing?

As he got closer, he saw Roy at the door, a bucket at his feet. He held a brush in his hand and was vigorously scrubbing at the wall. “What the— “

His vision turned red. His polar bear charged at his ribcage, wanting to get out. Though most of the vile words had been scrubbed off, he knew what it said. He crossed the distance between him and Jorrell with ground-eating steps.

“Did you do this?” he growled, grabbing the other man by the shirt and pulling him away.

“What the hell?” he exclaimed, whipping around, the brush flying from his hand. “Who—Oh, fuck you, man!”

The punch caught him off guard and hit him square on the jaw. “Why you—”

“Oh, not again! For crying out loud!” J.D. screamed, standing between them and herding him away.

“Look at what he did!” Cam cried. “Those words.”

“I was trying to get them out, you buffoon!” Jorrell snarled back. Picking up the brush, he shoved it forward at Cam’s face. “They were already here yesterday when she came home. Alone and barefoot,” he added, just to rub more salt in the wound. “Just where the hell were you when this happened? I don’t see you tryin’ to help her.”

“He’s telling the truth, Cam,” J.D. said. “Please. I don’t want to do this right now.”

A dark ugly feeling crept into his chest. “If I haven’t made it clear yet, then let me state it in plain English. Stay. Away. From. My. Mate.”

He spat and dropped the brush. “Yeah, whatever.”

“Roy,” J.D. began. “I’m sorry. I … you didn’t have to do this. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s all right, J.D.” The look of tenderness he gave her made Cam want to rip his head off. “I was driving by, and I saw you hadn’t cleaned it up. I had a bucket in my truck so I thought I’d save you the trouble.”

Cam let out an inhuman roar, and he knew if that bastard didn’t leave, his bear would rip out of him. “J.D.,” he said through gritted teeth.

“You should go, Roy,” she said. “Please.”

The other man let out a snort, shot Cam a dirty look, then walked back toward his truck. As soon as he peeled off, he turned to J.D. “I suppose this is a taste of my own medicine.”

“What?” The expression on her face was pure confusion.

“Him. And you and Arabella.”

“Ara … Oh my God! Are you jealous, Cam?”

“I’m not—” His bear roared so loud in his ears, his eardrums nearly burst. “Yes. Yes I am.” He swallowed, feeling his previous words about how jealousy was unreasonable slide down his throat. “I’m jealous, all right? Happy now? Are you done being angry with me?”

“Cam.” With a deep breath, she took his hands in hers. “Yes, I was jealous of Arabella. But not the way you think. And that’s not why I’m upset.” Light hazel eyes peered up at him as she lifted her head to his. “I did everything wrong today, didn’t I?”


“No, no, you don’t have to sugarcoat it,” she said sheepishly. “I said all the wrong things, I did all the wrong things, hell, I even wore the wrong clothes.”

“Natalia adored you. That’s all that matters to me.”

“Thank you. I adore her too. But … that’s not going to be enough, is it? To be … by your side. When you take your place and do all the things you need to do. I’ll have to attend parties with Copyright 2016 - 2024