Blackout After Dark (Gansett Island #21) - Marie Force Page 0,94


“I don’t think I’m in the right headspace to need anything from him. But it’s nice to know that guys like him and Blaine and your Owen are out there.”

“I don’t think his offer came with an expiration date,” Laura said with a cheeky grin. “If you don’t have anywhere to be, you ought to stick around for a while. You never know what’s going to happen on Gansett Island.”

“Since I quit my job to move to where my supposed-to-be husband lives, I don’t have anywhere to be at the moment.”

“We can keep you busy here, if you’re interested in hanging out for a while. This is the point in the season where my college helpers start to leave me shorthanded, so if you think you might be interested, let me know.”

“I’ll think about that. Thanks again, Laura. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“See you then.”

Laura walked her to the door and watched her go, shoulders hunched. She imagined she’d looked a lot like that when she came to Gansett for her cousin Janey’s wedding. That was the week she met Owen, and everything changed. She hoped that Piper would find someone who loved her the way she deserved to be loved—maybe even Jack, the hot cop. How funny would that be? One thing was for certain—her ex-fiancé was obviously a fool.

She sent a text to Owen to let him know she was free and to ask if she should meet him at Evan’s.

Jon is melting down. We’re heading home soon. I can handle them at home if you want to come for a bit.

I’ll see everyone tomorrow at the wedding. Text me when you get here, and I’ll come down to help herd babies.

Will do.

Being alone in the apartment was such a rare thing that Laura took advantage of the opportunity to put her feet up on the table and read a magazine for the thirty minutes she had before Owen texted to tell her they were home.

She went downstairs, said hello to Tara, the college student who was minding the front desk, and went outside to walk around the hotel to the parking lot in the back where Owen had parked the navy blue SUV they’d bought earlier in the summer. Toting three little kids around required a big vehicle.

Her little Jonathan’s face was red and his eyes wet. “What’s the matter with my sweet boy?” she asked as she freed him from his seat.

“He was out of sorts the whole time,” Owen said.

Laura kissed his forehead. “Probably the heat getting to him.”

“I hope that’s all it is,” Owen said.

Poor Owen seemed stressed.

He carried Joanna and Holden while Laura followed him up the stairs with Jon and the diaper bag over her shoulder. After seeing three little ones through baths and bedtime, their exhausted parents crawled into bed.

“What happened with the guest?” Owen asked.

“She reported the attack to Blaine and Jack, and they arrested the guy.”

“I’m glad they got him. I hate that things like that can happen here.”

“Blaine would tell you our little island isn’t immune from assholes.”

“That’s for sure.”

“How was the party?”

“It was great. Wait until you see Evan’s new house. It’s unbelievable.”

“I can’t wait to see it. Are Mallory and Quinn excited?”

“You know them. They’re kind of low-key, but they were smiling all night.”

“I sent her a text to apologize for missing the party.”

“I told her you had a situation with one of the guests, or you would’ve been there.”

“I feel so sorry for Piper. The poor girl is going through an awful breakup, and then this had to happen. I invited her to stay for as long she’d like and even offered her a job if she wants to work.”

“That’s nice of you, hon.”

“I’ve certainly been where she is. I was thinking earlier about the day after Janey’s wedding. Remember?”

Owen turned on his side and smiled as he smoothed the hair back from her face. “How could I ever forget the day I found you outside this hotel, standing in the pouring rain, looking like a little girl lost?”

“I was so lost then.”

“So was I, and I didn’t even know it until you found me.”

“It’s amazing how one of the worst days of my life turned into one of the best. I’ll never forget those early days we spent here together when I was so sick and pregnant with another man’s child, and you were right there for me the whole time. And when you decided to stay with me for the winter…” Laura Copyright 2016 - 2024