Blackout After Dark (Gansett Island #21) - Marie Force Page 0,93

can do,” Jack said, handing Piper his card, “please feel free to call.”

“Thank you both.”

“Yes, thank you.” After Laura saw them out, she turned to Piper. “Come upstairs to my place. I’ll make us some tea.”

“I don't want to put you out any more than I already have.”

“You’re not.” Laura put her arm around the other woman, feeling as if they were friends after the last couple of hours. “I want to help if I can.”

“You’ve been so kind. I really appreciate it.”

“I’m so sorry this happened,” Laura said as they walked up the stairs to her apartment on the third floor.

“It’s not your fault.”

“Before we go inside, I need to tell you… I have three kids. I have no idea what our place looks like.”

“Please, don’t worry about it. I have nieces and nephews. I know what it’s like with little ones.”

“Here goes nothing.” Laura used her key in the door and stepped into an immaculate space. “And once again my husband proves why he’s the best.” Not only had Owen changed all three kids and gotten them ready to go out, but he’d cleaned the apartment, too. It even smelled fresh and lemony.

“I’m impressed,” Piper said.

“Have a seat. Make yourself comfortable. And I don’t even have to warn you to watch out for hidden peanut butter sandwiches.”

Piper smiled as she sat on the sofa.

Laura made tea for both of them, giving thanks once again for the gas stove that had served them well during the power outage, and carried the mugs to sit with the other woman.

“Thank you.” Piper took a tentative sip, wincing when her sore lip connected with the edge of the mug. “You’ve gone above and beyond.”

“It’s no problem at all. We’re always on duty and happy to do whatever we can for our guests.”

“My grandparents used to stay here. There was a couple named Adele and Russ who they were friendly with. Do you know them?”

“They’re my husband’s grandparents. They live here on the island.”

“It’s wonderful that they’ve kept the business in the family.”

“The hotel was their wedding gift to us.”


“Anyway, enough about me. What can I do for you? Is there someone I can call?”

“No, I don’t want to call anyone. They’re already worried enough about me.”

“I was thinking about you after you checked in yesterday. I was once exactly where you are… Only I was actually married when I found out my new husband was still hooking up with women on a dating app.”

Piper’s eyes widened with shock. “How did you find out?”

“One of my bridesmaids saw him and made a date with him under another name, thinking it had to be a joke. But it wasn’t. I found out shortly after that I was pregnant.”

“Okay, you win.”

Laura laughed. “It’s not a competition. I only tell you this to let you know that despite how it might seem at the moment, you will get through this. I promise you will.”

“That’s good to know. What happened today was so not me. I don’t do random hookups. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s just never been my thing.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong. You must’ve had some fun with him before you agreed to go to his room.”

“We had so much fun. He made me laugh, which I wouldn’t have thought possible. It felt good to laugh, to feel desired again. It was stupid. I know better than to take those kinds of chances.”

“I’m going to continue to tell you that it wasn’t your fault until you believe me.”

“That might take a while,” Piper said, wiping away a tear.

“You’re welcome to stay here as long as you need to. Take whatever time you need to heal and figure out your next step. We’re happy to have you.”

“That’s very kind of you.” She placed her teacup on the table. “Thank you again for the support, the friendship, the tea. I appreciate it more than you know.”

Laura hugged her. “I’ll check on you in the morning. In the meantime, call extension thirty from any of the house phones if you need me during the night. Please don’t hesitate to call.”

“I won’t. Before I go, one quick question.”


“What’s the story with Jack the hot cop?”

Laura laughed. “Is he a hot cop? I hadn’t noticed.”

“Liar. No one is that married.”

“Haha, very true. I may have noticed once or twice that Jack is a very hot cop, but don’t tell my husband I said that.”

“Your secrets are safe with me.”

“He did give you his card if you need Copyright 2016 - 2024