BlackMoon Beginnings - By Kaitlyn Hoyt Page 0,81

keep the tears at bay. There has to be an explanation.

Something red catches my eye in the bathroom. I carefully walk over to the bathroom, avoiding pieces of wood on the floor. On the mirror, written in red lipstick are the words: GET OUT OF MY WAY. HE’S MINE.

“Natasha.” I whisper as I turn towards Emma again. “Natasha did this.”

“Are you serious?” she asks incredulously. “I know she doesn’t like you, but was all this really necessary?”

I storm past Emma and run back into the entertainment room.

Natasha is staring at the door, smiling at me. “Did you get my message?”

“Are you freaking kidding me?” Emma runs into the room and slams into my back, knocking me into the couch. Steadying myself, I glare at Natasha. “You ruined the only picture I had of my mother.”

All the guys are looking between the three of us, confused. Natasha gets up from the couch and walks over to me. “And now you’ll listen to my warning.”

“I was never standing in your way! When will you get that through your thick skull? We’ve barely even talked lately. I’m not trying to take him from you.” My voice rises to a yell the closer she gets to me. Stopping just inches in front of me, I tilt my head back and glare up at her. Natasha is a lot taller than me, but it doesn’t faze me.

“You don’t even have to try!” She pushes me backwards, causing me to fall to the ground. “You’ve got all these guys wrapped around your tiny little finger.” I feel the energy in me bubbling to the surface. Getting up, I push a small piece towards her, sending her flying into the wall.

“Ryanne!” Colton and Liam both simultaneously say. Natasha slumps to the ground, before narrowing her eyes at me. She gets up and stalks towards me. When she is standing in front of me, she smiles wickedly and places her hand on her hips.

Suddenly, I can’t breathe. There is no oxygen going into my lungs so I slump to the ground, grabbing at my throat. It feels like ice is shooting through my veins, making me immobile. Blood vessels start to pop throughout my body and black spots fill my vision. I’m on the verge of passing out, when Logan yells, “Natasha, stop! She can’t breathe!”

In the background, I hear someone scream followed by a loud thud. Air rushes into my lungs and my body collapses in relief. While coughing, I try to stand back up. Halfway there, someone’s arms wrap around my waist and they pull me the rest of the way up. I turn to see Liam holding me. Logan places his hands gently around my throat and starts working his magic. David runs into the room and grabs Emma, who is fighting with Natasha. Wrapping an arm around her torso, he pulls her backwards separating the two of them. She struggles in his arms, before finally calming down. Natasha pushes herself off the ground when no one comes to help her stand up.

“What the heck is going on?” yells David.

“Go look at our room.” Emma says, never taking her eyes from Natasha. David motions for Logan to go check it out. Logan leaves and when I am finally able to breathe normally again, Liam releases me.

Logan rushes back into the room, “Their room is trashed. Everything is messed up. There is a message written in what looks like lipstick on the mirror that says ‘Get out of my way. He’s mine.’ I’m assuming that is referring to you Colton.”

Colton turns to Natasha, his expression inexplicable. “Did you do that?”

“Yeah, she,” she glares at me, “needed to know that—”

“You should go.” Colton says.

She stares at him, eyes wide. “Are you serious?”

“Yes, please go.” The room is silent. When she doesn’t move, he speaks louder. “Now.” She stomps her foot on the ground like a toddler would when upset and rushes out of the room, pushing me out of the way in the process. Liam reaches out to steady me again.

A couple seconds later, I step away from him and quietly leave the room as well, walking back to our bedroom to clean up. Colton kicked her out, yes, but that doesn’t really mean anything. I can’t let myself go there. I can’t let myself read into anything. It means nothing.

Once in the room, I start assessing all the damage. Ugh, where to start first? There is so much to do. Bending over, I start gathering up Copyright 2016 - 2024