BlackMoon Beginnings - By Kaitlyn Hoyt Page 0,80

said you needed some time by yourself. She wouldn’t tell us anymore than that. Is something wrong?” I am thankful that Emma didn’t say anything. I’ll have to thank her later. “Colton seems upset.”

I look over at him to see if he is going to say anything else. When he doesn’t, I take a deep breath and lean my head on his shoulder. “Nothing is wrong specifically. Emma was right, I just needed to relax and be alone for a little while. I’m okay now.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah,” I stand up and grab my notebook and pencil off of the ground, “Let’s go back inside.”

Things from that point on are a little awkward. I talk to Colton in group settings, but avoid being around him alone. No one seems to really know what is going on besides Emma. We all train everyday and Conner, Natasha, Natalie, and Madison come over every night. After a couple of days, things start settling down. Natasha always finds a way to corner me and threaten me about Colton, because apparently I am standing in her way or something. She would mention all of the reasons why I’m not right for him. Colton stopped trying to get me alone to talk. I start to hang out with Liam more, while David and Emma are still in the flirty friendship stage.

It is Saturday night and I am in the entertainment room with Liam and Logan. They’re both watching a movie. Leaning against the arm rest of the couch with my legs in Liam’s lap, I’m doodling in my notebook when Colton comes in with a giggling Natasha. I don’t look up at either of them. Liam looks over at me, trying to decipher my reaction, but I keep my eyes glued on my notebook, drawing and detailing leaves on my flower.

“Colton, why are we in here? Let’s go somewhere more private.” She is practically growling at him. I grimace at the sound of her voice.

“I’d rather just watch a movie right now…if that’s okay with everyone.” Liam and Logan nod, both turning to look at me. I bite my lip before glancing over at Colton and giving him a small smile. “That’s fine.”

Colton walks over to the seat at the end of the couch. Because of how I am sitting, I can see him clearly.

Natasha walks over and stands in front of him. He looks at the chair next to him, indicating that she should sit there. With a huff, she sits down angrily and crosses her arms. I bite my lip harder to try and hide the smile that threatens to break out.

“What are you drawing, Ryanne?” Natasha asks.

I glance up at her, but put my attention back into my drawing. “Umm, I’m sketching a butterfly on a flower right now. Drawing helps me clear my mind.”

“Oh. Cute.” She replies. Yeah, I can hear the sarcasm in her voice. The mean girl inside me really wants to come out, but I withhold from it. I imagine myself turning animalistic and tackling her, like the cafeteria scene in Mean Girls. The look of surprise and fear on her face is priceless.

Mentally picturing that, I can’t stifle my giggle. All eyes in the room turn to me, causing me to laugh harder. Covering my mouth, I quiet my laughter. I manage to spit out an apology. “Sorry, just...thinking.”

“Ryanne, can I talk to you?” I look around and see Emma peeking through the door, frowning.

“Yeah, one second.” Turning back around, I close my notebook and push my pencil through the metal spiral on the side.

“What’s that about?” asks Liam.

“I have no idea.” I get up and place my notebook on my seat, “I’ll be right back.” Walking out in the hallway, I find Emma pacing. “What’s wrong?” Grabbing my arm, she drags me down the hallway, towards our room. Opening our door, she looks down at me with huge eyes. What is going on? Gasping, I step in the room.

Our room is trashed. Clothes are thrown everywhere, our dresser drawers are broken, pieces lying all over the room. Cosmetics and make up are wrecked and spilled on the floor. Magazine pages are ripped and thrown around. The glass on the only picture of my mom and me is shattered and the picture is crumpled on my bed.

I walk across the room and pick up the broken frame from the ground. With tears in my eyes, I unwrinkle the photo. Creases mar our smiling faces. I bite my lip to Copyright 2016 - 2024