BlackMoon Beginnings - By Kaitlyn Hoyt Page 0,72

give the room a darker feeling, but the windows and subtle illumination creates a cozy atmosphere.

“I’ll go get the suitcases. Why don’t you guys show the girls around? Oh, and Liam too.”

David deepens his voice and says, “If you’ll follow me, I’ll be your cabin tour guide for the day.” With a sweeping hand motion, he starts walking backwards. “Through here is the kitchen area. Large bay windows are built into all three walls, giving a scenic view of the outdoor landscape. This lovely room is a great space to prepare meals, grab a snack, sit and read a book, or start a food fight—just make sure Claire never finds out.”

The room is beautiful. I love the large windows that surround it. They let in a ton of light and the dark green landscape outside is breath-taking. I can’t image what it would look like to be here in the fall when all the leaves are starting to change colors.

Apparently it’s time to go, because Emma links her arm through mine and all but drags me out of the room to follow everyone else. My eyelids are beginning to feel heavy again and my feet feel like they are made of bricks. Walking back into the living room area, we take the stairs to the second floor. “This floor is where all the bedrooms are. There is also an entertainment room similar to our previous arrangements. There are enough rooms, all similarly furnished, for almost everyone to have their own room. However, two will have to share.”

“We will.” Emma volunteers us.

“Excellent, we can gawk at the rooms later. If you continue to follow me, we’ll go to another set of stairs leading to the attic.” Walking single file up the small narrow staircase, we enter into another room. Colton and Logan can barely stand upright with the low ceilings. Liam and David can stand upright but have to be careful not to make any sudden movements. I have no problem. Three of the four walls in this room are made entirely of windows. The other is a large mirror. I walk over to the window and look out at the scenery.

“We used to come up here and train when David and I were little,” whispers Colton.

“This house is beautiful.”

“You should see it in the winter time when the fireplace is going. Frost webs on all the windows and icicles hang off all the tree branches. I like to come up here and watch the snow fall. It’s so peaceful.”

“That sounds amazing. I love being this close to nature.”

“I do too,” he says. I tear my eyes from the tree line and gaze up at him. He places a hand on my shoulder, “Come on. Everyone already left.”

What? I look around the room and see that we are the only two people still here. I let him grab my hand and guide me out of the room and back downstairs to get our suitcases. Grabbing both of them, he walks back up the second floor.

“Your room is here with Emma. Everyone else is a little down the hall.” I nod and walk into the room and find Emma already unpacking.

“So what were you and Colton talking about? I saw you two chatting by the window as I was leaving.” Emma grins at me, fishing for any juicy details.

“It wasn’t like that. We were just talking about how this place looks in the winter time. It sounds beautiful,” I say as I walk over to the unoccupied bag and place my bag on it.

“Whatever.” She shakes her head and continues putting her clothing in the small closet off to the side. We both share a bathroom and the closet. “Hey, are you okay? You seem a little out of it today.”

“I think I’m fine.” Shaking my head, I try to distract myself. I can’t fall asleep again.

“You think you’re fine?”

“Yeah, I don’t know. I’ve been really tired lately. I feel really sluggish. It’s hard for me to stand up right now.” She’s now looking at me like a concerned parent. “Never mind. Come on, let’s go find the guys. See if they want to do something.” I slowly walk past her out of the room and down the hallway towards the other voices.

“Ryanne. Are you sure you don’t want to just lie down or something?” Emma calls after me, chasing me down the hallway.

“What’s wrong with Ryanne?” David says as he stops in front of me.

“Nothing is wrong with me. Emma’s just Copyright 2016 - 2024