BlackMoon Beginnings - By Kaitlyn Hoyt Page 0,71

Claire. I grab my suitcase and walk to the garage. Tom is standing at the back end of a freakishly large vehicle; its shiny black exterior looks brand new.

“I have another suitcase for you.”

“Are any of the boys ready?”

I shake my head. “They were still packing when I came downstairs.”

I go back into the kitchen and sit down at the table. Laying my head down on its cold surface and letting my hair fan around my face, I close my eyes and wait for someone to wake me up and tell me that it is time to go.

“Is she okay?” asks Colton. I would have replied, but my body just doesn’t want to cooperate. I’m comfortable drifting between consciousness and sleep.

“She’s been dreaming about Adam. I’ve been trying to block out his images, but I can’t stop all of them.”

David must have walked into the room because he asks, “Why hasn’t she said anything to anyone? They are just dreams right? Not visions?”

“She doesn’t want anyone to worry about her. But yeah, I’m positive they are just dreams.”

Someone is nudging me. “Ryanne, it’s time to go.” I open my eyes and see Claire standing over me. I am still a little out of it, so she grabs my arms and guides me to the garage. Everyone is standing outside of the vehicle.

“Emma and Ryanne, you two will have to sit in the back, because the seats are smaller. One of the guys will join you two,” Tom says. I blindly walk to the car, following Emma. I take a seat in the back, to the left of her, in the middle, and lean my head against the headrest of the seat directly in front of me. Someone sits down in the seat to my left, but I don’t move to see who it is.

Hitting a bump in the road, my head bangs against the headrest, jerking me awake. I quickly look around the car. Emma is asleep and leaning her head against the window. Tom is driving while Claire reads in the passenger seat. David and Logan are talking amongst themselves. Colton is also asleep in the seat beside Logan. I can only see his profile. His expression is relaxed. His long, dark eyelashes are fanning across his cheekbones and his mouth in raised in a slight smirk. He looks younger when asleep. To my left, sits Liam. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little tired.” Rubbing my eyes, I blink a couple more times, trying to become more awake. “Are we almost there?”

“I think we’ll be there in about thirty minutes.” Nodding, I lean back against the back of my seat and close my eyes again. I breathe in deeply and let sleep come over me again.

“Ryanne. Ryanne. We’re here,” someone whispers to me. “Ryanne. Wake up. We’re here.” I open my eyes and see…a neck? Lifting my eyes, I see that it’s Liam’s neck. I must have fallen asleep leaning against his shoulder. I sit up further, but don’t make an effort to move much more. Everyone else is still sitting in the car.

Tom turns around from the driver’s seat. “Ok, we’re here. I’m going to get out with Claire, and check the perimeter, while she puts up the enchantments. Stay in the car.”

I bring my attention back to my surroundings. Looking down, I realize that I am practically sitting in Liam’s lap. I’m not sure how I accomplished that considering I’m still buckled. “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry.” I readjust myself in my seat. The corner of Liam’s mouth raises a little, giving off the impression that he wants to smile, but doesn’t.

A couple of minutes later, Tom comes back and gives us the okay that it is safe to leave the car. Surrounded by large trees, is a luxury log cabin. The lower level is surrounded by a stone exterior, but the upper levels have a dark timber frame. Large bay windows encompass a sizable portion of each level, with dark olive green trim. Light earth tone shingles line the roof, creating an earthy appearance.

Following Tom, we all walk into the cabin. The first thing I see is an expansive open area. Walking through the door, the living room is off to the right with a large curved staircase on the left, leading to the second floor. I can see the railing and partially down the hallway on that floor. The living room has a floor to ceiling length fireplace made of stones. The wood walls Copyright 2016 - 2024