BlackMoon Beginnings - By Kaitlyn Hoyt Page 0,56

pain subsides. He moves his hands and places them around my face. The headache I had fades away and I am finally able to think straight. I feel the swelling on my face go down and the cut on my lip heals.

After a couple minutes, the only thing left that needs healed is the long cut from my neck to my shoulder from Adam. I am still laying flat on my back on the couch, but now I’m able to move. Logan moves so that he is closer to my head. He reaches out and slowly moves my jacket off my shoulder.

Colton exhales sharply when he sees the cut, “Who did that?”

Logan and Liam speak at the same time, “Adam.”

“What?” yells David. I really should have hit him harder.

“Adam was there?” asks Colton.

“Yes, I’ll explain everything later, after she’s healed and rested,” says Logan. I feel my skin pulling itself together, stitching closed. He moves his hands away and grabs the bottle of water that Emma had gotten and hands it to me.

He reaches behind me and helps me sit up. “Take small sips.” I nod, slowly sipping the water and savoring every drop. She looks exhausted. She’s lost so much weight.

Everyone is staring at me, waiting for my reaction to everything. David is in the back of the room pacing. Colton and Liam are standing against the back wall with menacing expressions. Claire and Emma look upset; their eyes on the verge of tears. I can feel my headache starting to return. I close my eyes and put all my remaining energy into locking their thoughts away. Turning the mental lock, I open my eyes again. Logan looks very tired; there are dark shadows under his beautiful blue eyes. It must have taken a lot of energy to heal me.

“Logan, I…”

“Ryanne, don’t. You may be the one that can read minds, but I know what you are thinking. I would give up my powers to lessen any bit of the pain you just experienced.”

Tears glisten in my eyes. Again. “Thank you so much. I don’t know how….” I choke up and can’t finish my sentence. I stand up, a little unsteady on my feet. Logan reaches out and engulfs me in his arms. The tears start flowing out of my eyes and I can’t stop them. All of the pain I had endured comes rushing out, as I sob into his shoulder.

He holds onto me until the sound of my sobbing dwindles. He rubs my back and slowly leans back, silently asking me if I am going to be okay. I nod up at him and step out of his embrace. He places his hands on either side of my face, wiping my tears away with his thumbs, before leaning down and kissing my forehead.

I turn around and look for Liam. Spotting him leaning against the wall, I slowly walk towards him. I stop in front of him.

Trying to joke about the situation, I say, “Well, I didn’t get shot this time.”

He reaches out and grabs me, crushing me to him. “When I saw him…on you…choking you,” his voice cracks. “I thought I was too late.” I wrap my arms around his waist and lean into him.

“You weren’t, Liam. You weren’t.”

“If I was a couple minutes later…he would have…”

I lean back and look at him. “You can’t think about that. I’m fine. You saved me.”

I yawn and look for Colton next. He finds me first, “Hey, Ry.”

Walking out of Liam’s arms, I walk towards him. I start babbling, “I’m so sorry I didn’t listen to you. I just saw so many people coming towards you, David, Logan, and Tom and I didn’t want anything to happen to you guys. I love all you guys. You’re my family now. I just panicked. I didn’t...”

He covers my mouth, “You don’t need to apologize, Ryanne.” Taking his hand down, he says with a small smile, “Come on, you need to go rest. I’ll carry you upstairs.” I let him pick me up. I know that I won’t be able to walk up there on my own. “I’m taking Ryanne to her room. I’ll be back in a little bit.”

I snuggle into his chest, dozing off before he even reaches the stairs. I am jarred awake when he puts me in my bed.

“Wait, I have to change. I’m covered in dirt, sweat, and blood.” I say groggily, sitting up on the bed.

“Wait here, I’ll grab you something.” My eyes start to shut while Copyright 2016 - 2024