BlackMoon Beginnings - By Kaitlyn Hoyt Page 0,23

person born of two non-magical parents to ever possess powers. Do I actually believe that?

Gradually, I get up and walk to the bathroom to take a shower. I grab my clothes from the previous night and place them on the counter. Standing under the hot water, I think about the previous day. Everything is happening too fast. I need time to think—to process everything. I have to make sure I get control of this mind-reading thing before anything else. I can feel the thoughts in the back of my mind, but I’m not going to let them come out. I’m in control. They don’t control me.

After successfully steaming up the entire bathroom, I get out and get dressed. I look around the bathroom. The counter is completely spotless. I want to brush my teeth, because I know that I have morning breath. Opening some of the smaller drawers, I find everything I need: a brush, a toothbrush, toothpaste, a blow-dryer, and even some make-up. Wow, convenient.

I walk out of the bedroom and turn to the left. I remember that much. However, I get lost soon after that. Nothing I am passing looks familiar. When every hallway I turn down looks the same, my frustration grows. The halls seem never ending; this house is too big. Hearing footsteps behind me, I turn around and find David smiling down at me.

“Morning. You look lost.”

With a relieved sigh, I say, “I am. I thought I was heading downstairs, but I can’t find any stairs and have no idea which way to turn. I was too tired last night to pay attention to how I got to the room.”

“Let me help you. There is an enchantment on this house to confuse any intruder. We can’t have others finding out our little secret, now can we?” He puts his arm around my shoulder and guides me down the hallway. “Through here.”

He opens a door that leads to another hallway. At the end of that hallway are the stairs. The stairs are wide enough that we can both walk down beside each other.

“So, if you don’t mind me asking, how old are you? You look older than Colton.”

“You’re right. I’m a year and a half older than Colton. I’m twenty. We’re almost to the kitchen, that’s probably where everyone is. Now, you on the other hand, don’t look old enough to be eighteen.”

Laughing, I look up at him, “That’s because I’m so short. Everyone thinks I’m younger than I actually am. We can’t all be giants.”

“Good things come is small packages, my little friend. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.”

“That’s so cliché, David.” He laughs and squeezes my shoulder. I look up at him just as we walk into the kitchen. I notice his face transform from a confused expression to an amused one.

I stop looking at him and turn to look around the room. Claire is sitting at the island with a muffin and a bowl of fruit in front of her. Colton is leaning onto the counter with a scowl on his face, staring at David. I look between the two brothers wondering what is wrong.

“I found our little friend here roaming the hallways lost,” says David with a smirk. “I was just helping her find her way to the kitchen.” He winks at me and then turns to leave the room. My eyes follow him out. When I turn back around, both Colton and Claire are looking at me, each with different expressions.

“Did you sleep well dear? I noticed that it was sunny this morning.” Looking out the window, she adds, “And still is.”

“Yeah, I slept well. Thank you for asking.” I walk over to the island, “Is there any way I can run home and get a change of clothes?”

“Of course, there’s no need to ask. You’re not being kept a prisoner here. We just want to help you. Colton can drive you to your house.”

“Thank you.”

“Oh, and if you want, you could stay here a couple more nights. It would make helping you a lot easier.” She’s right, I know that. It’d be a lot better than staying at Jane’s by myself.

Colton pushes himself off the counter, walks over to grab a set of keys off the hook, and leaves the room. Claire looks at me and shakes her head, giving me a look that shows that she is just as confused as I am. I walk through the door that Colton had just disappeared into and see him sitting behind Copyright 2016 - 2024