BlackMoon Beginnings - By Kaitlyn Hoyt Page 0,22

the couch. It’s not proper for guests.” He does a perfect imitation of Claire’s voice. It’s a little creepy how good it is.

“This room is twice the size of my actual bedroom. I don’t need anything this extravagant.”

“I know. That’s why I gave you the smaller of the guest bedrooms.” The smaller of the..? I can’t imagine what the other rooms looked like. They must live in a mansion or something. I haven’t seen anything but the living room since I’ve been here and I didn’t really pay attention as we were walking.

Colton starts walking around the room, as if he is looking for something. He walks over towards the large bed in the middle of the room and flips the covers down. I watch as he walks towards the window, checking to make sure they are locked. He is wearing a tight black shirt again today that fits him like a glove. Biting my lip, I try to look away when it rises slightly with his arm movements.

With the windows secure, he then walks into the bathroom adjacent to the bed, on the left side of the room. Wait, what? There’s a bathroom here too? I knew it. They are definitely rich.

“Ok, it looks like everything is in order. Claire should be up any minu…”

Claire strolls into the room, “Ryanne, well I had a little trouble finding clothes to fit you. You’re a lot smaller than me, but this will have to do.” She turns towards Colton, “Sorry for interrupting you.”

He bats his hand towards her, but doesn’t look away from me. “It’s fine.”

“Look Claire,” I turn and look at her, making sure I have her attention. “I appreciate everything you’ve done, but this is too much. I can just stay on the couch. I’m the one intruding.”

“You are not intruding. And it is not proper for guests to sleep on the couch. You’ll sleep in here.”

Colton reaches his arm behind his head and looks across the room before mumbling an I told you so. I glare at him, but don’t say anything. It doesn’t look like there is any way I am going to win this battle.

“You look exhausted dear,” I try to hide my yawn, but she sees it anyways. “Why don’t you get changed and go to bed. In the morning, we can start working on controlling the voices, as you call them, a little better.”

She and Colton both walk out of the room. Claire is out of sight first, but Colton lingers in the doorway. With a smile, he says quietly, “Goodnight Ryanne.” I stare at the door for a few seconds after they’re both gone before I look back at the room around me.

What just happened?

I grab the pile of clothes Claire gave me and walk into the bathroom. The bathroom is also large. It is just slightly smaller than my bedroom at Jane’s. A spacious shower encompasses one whole wall of the bathroom. The toilet and marbled sink are located across from it. A small chandelier hangs from the center of the ceiling. A girl could get used to this. I quickly change out of my clothing and into Claire’s. The shirt is too big, reaching down to my thighs and the pants are too long. I have to roll the waist band and the bottoms up to even walk.

I walk out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom, heading towards the bed. At the rate I am walking towards it, one might fear that it would come to life and eat me. The bed is high. Too high. I have to jump a little to get into it, but it is the softest and most comfortable bed I have ever been in. I get under the large white duvet cover, pull the blanket up to my neck, and snuggle into the pillow. The smell of lavender fabric softener invades my senses. I smile and close my eyes. I am already falling asleep, when I realize that I had forgotten to turn the bedroom light off.

Chapter Eight

I love waking up from an excellent night’s sleep to the sounds of birds chirping and the sun shining. Smiling, I roll over and freeze. This movement should have knocked me off of my twin bed and onto the floor. Where am I? I open my eyes slowly and look around. I am in a large white bedroom. Suddenly, realization dawns on me and the past night’s events come rushing back. I’m a mage? The only Copyright 2016 - 2024