Billionaire Bodyguard - Kendra Mei Chailyn Page 0,24

the lane he was in to run through a traffic light on yellow. “Then figured there was more money in contracting. He began getting paid by the military to do construction work for them abroad. But his greed has led him down the road of selling his services to the highest bidder.”

“So, he’s a mercenary.”

“Kind of.” He replied. “He’s been accused of bringing things into the country he shouldn’t…”

“Guns, drugs…prostitutes.”

Hermes headed left on Adelaide then pulled onto Queen Street and headed east.

“Why does he want the information on Montana and his guys?”

“Because Montana was responsible for taking him down the first time.” Hermes admitted. “But the mission didn’t go as it was supposed to. This guy tried using a child as a human shield.”

I gasped.

“Long story short is, he’s supposed to be dead.” Hermes glanced over his shoulder.

“So, what you’re telling me is that this is about revenge?” I wanted to know.

“Seems that way.” Hermes replied. “We’re going to get you cleaned up, then we have a conference with Hex. Kujo is on his way here to give us a hand and depends on how things are, we’ll try getting Echo to help us out.”

“I don’t want to bring all these people into my hell.”

I chuckled. “You wanna tell Echo her friends were in danger and we didn’t tell her? She’d kick my ass for not knowing better and strangle you for keeping me from telling her.”

“Dang.” I laughed softly at his joke even though my whole body was one big ache. “Only if we need them, okay?”

“Deal. But Kujo is already inbound.”

I wanted to curl into Hermes’ arms and stay there. As he’d held me all night, I couldn’t remember feeling so protected, so safe. They said there was no such thing as perfection.

The person who came up with that quote most not have had a Hermes.

Being cuddled into him was the most perfect thing in the world—and I’d had a chance to experience that.

Soon, I’d be one my way back home or dead—either way, that meant no more Hermes.

And that made me overwhelmingly sad.

Later, Hermes cleaned my wounds as gently as he could. He placed a band-aid just over my left eyebrow, then helped me with checking the rest of my body for any sliver of glass that may have sliced through me. There weren’t any surprises and after a shot of whiskey, he pulled me into his arms on the sofa.

I didn’t complain. I snuggled into his side and rested my head on his chest, listening to the calm way his heartbeat as in some special rhythm to life. He kissed my head, and I buried my face into his neck trying to stop the way my eyes burned with unshed tears.

“I’m sorry I’m a shit human being.” I told him when I was finally strong enough to merely settled on him again. “This is all my fault.”

“How?” He asked.

“If I hadn’t been such a dog to Montana…”

“Anna, that’s not how the world works.” Hermes told me. “I mean, if that was how the world works, I’d be screwed. I’ve done some horrible things in the name of patriotism and country.”

“It’s not the same.” I muttered. “The punishment for breaking someone’s heart his worse. Karma doesn’t like that.”

“You really don’t believe that, do you?” Hermes asked. “These things happen. I’m not a fan of it, but people cheat—all the time. The divorce rate because of cheating is astronomical. But not everyone has their lives torn apart because their brother is a dick.”

I sighed and sat up. “I’m sorry—I figure I should say that now before—”

“No.” Hermes snapped. “Stop it right now. We know who’s behind this. All we have to do is hear all the details then come up with a plan.”

I framed the right side of his face with my palm and stared into his eyes. I saw now why Montana had sent me to him. Maksim Demidov may look like a jock, and he may be sexy as hell, but at his core he was a good man.

He was special.

“Maksim?” I whispered, my heart floating inside my chest.

“Hmm?” He rested his head back to the sofa and kept me captive with his gaze.


“Don’t be afraid to say what’s on your mind.”

“It’s what I want.” I managed, swallowing the lump in my throat. “I don’t—I mean, I shouldn’t.”

Hermes lifted his head to stare at me. “Show me.”

Exhaling loudly, I climbed into his lap and kissed him as deeply as I could. By the time his large Copyright 2016 - 2024