Billionaire Bodyguard - Kendra Mei Chailyn Page 0,23

but never with weapons. I’m greedy not stupid. But like I told you before, it was an accident, Joseph getting killed. He sent morons to do the job instead of going himself—his first mistake.”

“Trust me.” Hermes exhaled. “That wasn’t his first mistake.”

Hermes glanced over his shoulder just as his phone rang. He held up a finger to answer it then frowned and dumped the cell into his pocket.

“You should get out of here.” Hermes told the canary. “We’re about to have company.”

The man scrambled from the booth and disappeared through a dark curtain the back. Hermes rose and pulled a gun from the back of his pants. He did something to it then handed it to me.

“Point and fire.” He told me.


“No. If something happens to me, you point and you fire.” He stressed. “Got it.”

“Got it.”

The front door exploded and some very pissed off men stepped through. The shock of it sent the gun he’d given me skittering across the floor and I swore.

“Leave it for now.” Hermes barked. “I need you to pay attention.”

The room didn’t have much place to hide and soon they made a beeline for us. Hermes grabbed my hand but eased his large frame a little in front of me.

When the world erupted into fighting around me, my first instinct was to hide. But seeing Hermes cutting through the men like they were simply drywall, pushed something through me that had me cracking a chair over the head of one of the men. I put all my body into the swing and watched him slumped to the floor.

He wasn’t unconscious.

I kicked him in the ribs until he merely curled in on himself.

Someone grabbed me around the waist, and I reached for the open bottle of whiskey on a nearby table and jabbed it backward.

The person screamed and released me, shoving me forward. I stopped myself from falling by bracing my palms on the table, picked up a glass and swirled on the man now rubbing his eyes. I missed as he staggered back, but I didn’t let up. I stepped forward, bringing my knee up into his dick.

“Fuck!” He seemed to forget about the pain in his eyes and grabbed himself.

“You’re welcome!” I spat.

“Anna!” Hermes called.

The warning didn’t come fast enough. Someone hit me so hard in the back, it felt as though my spine wanted to peel itself out my chest. I went flying across the room and stopped against the glass bottles behind the bar.

When I hit the ground, I was showered in liquid and glass. Covering my head and face with my arms, I screamed and curled into a ball to protect myself. Glass sliced through my arms, my shoulder and side. When it stopped, the alcohol rain was a mere pitter-patter, I groaned at the pain to tear through me.

“Anna?” Hermes called before strong arms gripped my shoulders. “Baby?”

I groaned and tried looking up but was afraid alcohol would fill my eyes. “Hmm?”

“Are you hurt?”

“A little, but I’m okay.”

He helped me to my feet and was leading me somewhere. The cool air of the outside rushed over my face and he stopped to clean my face with large fingers.

“Come on.” Hermes took my hand and led me back to the vehicle.

He peeled away from the location and sped off down the road while I tried picking pieces of glass from my hair, my arm while my entire body burned.

Hermes called Hex and told her to find all she could on Slova. Hex hadn’t been pleased to hear that name. It seemed the man was a piece of work.

“Why are you asking about him?” Hex asked. “He’s dead—let him rest in chaos.”

“Well, he just sent men to kill Anna and I.” Hermes told her. “The last time I checked, ghosts don’t do that. And if he’s a fucking ghost, I want him gone. Do as I ask, please.”

“What? Are you sure?” Hex asked.

“According to Frog, that’s what that was.” Hermes told her. “Find him, Hex.”

“Was Frog sober?” Hex asked. “I mean the man hasn’t out down a bottle since he was discharged.”


I knew the sound of Hermes losing what tenuous hold he had left on his temper and it was that one word.

“On it.” She said.

He leaned forward and disconnected the call but didn’t look at me. All he did was press his foot down on the gas a little harder.

“What do you know about this Slova guy?” I asked.

“He was Green Beret.” Hermes checked the mirrors then swung out of Copyright 2016 - 2024