Billionaire Bear Shifters A Paranormal Romance Complete Series Boxset - Brittany White Page 0,202

pairs of eyes widened and Connor forced himself to continue, “I got that feeling - the one you all talked about. I know it's unheard of, mating outside our species, but I know what I’ve felt and I’ve accepted it.” He felt the truth of his words settle inside him. It was so clear to him now, the attraction towards her pulling him into Cole’s day after day despite the arguments, the sheer frustration at seeing her upset or hurt - like her pain was his pain. “That pack is all she’s had for years, and I will do everything in my power to make sure she gets to keep it.”

They were all silent for a long moment and Connor prepared himself for the onslaught of disgust. It was one thing to take pity on a small group of wolves struggling to get by, but mating with the alpha of their own species' long lasting enemy? He wouldn’t be surprised if this was a step too far. But then Alanna took a tentative step forward.

“We’ll help you,” she said solemnly. Jessie and Lydia nodded in silent agreement. Connor was shocked, as were his brothers, but the women ignored their mates and stared straight at Connor.

“I’ve known you for most of my life, Connor,” Lydia said, taking Eric’s hand in hers. “You knew what people said about me and you didn’t care. And then when I came back, spouting about awful dreams, you helped me, no questions asked.”

“You helped all of us,” Jessie continued. “Before we were ever a part of your family, no matter what people said about us: you helped us. Because your brothers loved us, so you loved us.”

Alanna spoke next, and her easy, relaxed grin made something within him settle as she said, “And we love you. No way in hell are we letting you do this by yourself.”

Connor didn’t know what to say. He felt so overwhelmed he thought he might cry, which he resolutely refused to do in front of his brothers. They’d never let him hear the end of it. He opened his mouth to say... something, when a loud noise had them all turning towards the parking lot.

A young wolf had skidded to a stop before them, breathing hard. He was a tiny little thing, with thick dark fur and light eyes that were wide with panic. Connor’s heart skipped a beat.

The wolf vanished and a young man with equally dark hair stood before them. He couldn’t have been older than seventeen. He looked scared out of his mind and Connor hunched his shoulders slightly, trying to appear smaller, unthreatening and approachable. He knew he and his brothers made quite the sight all together - large and imposing - but the boy seemed to steel himself, determined to be brave.

“Vince is planning an attack,” he rushed out. “He found a witch willing to do a power transition spell and he’s already got more than half the pack on his side. When he finds out Brooke got free he’s going to head straight here to take you down.” A power transition spell? What the hell was that? He knew how wolf packs decided the next alpha but that was usually a straight fight… wait.

“Escaped? She’s okay? Where is she?” The questions rushed from him, relief and fear crashing through him like waves. Simon looked taken aback, as if he didn’t think Connor would believe him, but nodded quickly.

“She sent me here to warn you, she’s taken the rest of the pack back to their hideout to ambush them before they have a chance to get here.”

She was alive; Brooke was alive. Connor allowed himself a quick moment of relief. Then he stood up straighter, laying a gentle hand on the kid’s shoulder.

“What’s your name?”


“We’re coming to help.”

Simon looked skeptically over Connor’s shoulder. “All of you?”

Connor said nothing, letting his sleuth members make their own decisions. He’d never ask them to put themselves in danger for him, just as they had never asked it of him.

Cody appeared at his side, eyes focused and dangerous. “All of us,” he confirmed, voice steely.

Connor turned to the others, who nodded. They were with him, trusting Connor to make the right decision. He felt a rush of affection and pride for them all and nodded his silent thanks. Then he turned back to the small wolf watching them warily.

“All of us,” Connor repeated.

Tracking Brooke’s scent was easy, it had been trapped in his mind ever since that first time Copyright 2016 - 2024