Billionaire Bear Shifters A Paranormal Romance Complete Series Boxset - Brittany White Page 0,201

this never would have happened if I’d just kept my temper and told you when Connor and I-”

“Don’t be fucking insane.” Angela dropped to her knees, eyes stern. “You’ve done more than enough for us over the years - probably too much - we got lazy. We all saw how much you were suffering, and we did nothing to help you.”

“But they’re all gone, Ang, Vince staged a fucking mutiny, and they listened to him.” Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, and it was suddenly hard to swallow past the lump in her throat. She looked away, unable to stand the idea of her pack, even this small part of it, seeing her this way. Again she wished for Connor and the safety to be weak that he provided. A hysterical laugh bubbled in her chest at the image of her curled in his ridiculously huge arms.

“Vince has always been a manipulative bastard,” Angela said, bringing Brooke back to the problem at hand. “What they’re doing is wrong. We may not have been there for you in the past but we’re with you today.”

“And if you have a bear boyfriend now? You wanna have a family and cute little mutant hybrid babies?” Carlo shrugged with a grin. “I already told you, I don’t mind.”

Brooke had never felt more proud.

“He’s my mate,” she said softly, allowing a grin to spread across her face at the words. It felt so wonderful to say them out loud. Connor Strauss was her mate.

“About time,” Angela teased. “We're happy for you.”

“Now,” Carlo climbed to his feet, “let’s go save your boyfriend.”

The plan was simple - Vince and the rest of the pack would be heading back to the cabin by sundown to get Brooke, and when they discovered she wasn’t there they would head straight to the lodge. That meant Brooke and her group needed to ambush them before Vince and company got there.

“Simon!” The youngest stepped forward nervously at her call and Brooke’s heart gave a leap. “I need you to go to Black Bear Lake Lodge and warn Connor and his brothers - if we don’t make it, they'll need all the time we can give them to prepare and get the guests out.”

“But,” Simon’s voice was high and reedy with panic and Brooke had to lay a hand on his arm to try and calm him down. “They’ll never listen to me Brooke, you should go-”

“You have to,” she interrupted. “I’m not letting you go running into a fight without me again - never again, you hear me?” They’d believe him, they had to. She gave a shaky sigh and steeled her gaze to hide her own nerves. “You’re the fastest one of us, Simon. Please, do this for me.”

Simon watched her with wide eyes and Brooke wanted to tell him she was just as afraid as he was, more, even. She couldn’t bear the thought of losing her whole family in one day, but she had to be strong. She pulled him in, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “I know you can do this,” she whispered into his hair.

She let him go and watched him shift.

I won’t let you down, his voice was determined and strong in her mind and she knew he wouldn't. He turned and sprinted away into the trees. Brooke watched him for a few moments longer, confident she’d managed to get him out of harm's way.

She just hoped the same could be said for the rest of them.

* * *

Chapter Twenty Two: Connor

* * *

When Connor arrived at the lodge, he found Eric, Nathan, and Cody and their mates already outside, waiting for him. Despite the whirlwind of emotions coursing through him, Connor felt steadier when he reached them.

“Connor!” Eric came forward to meet him, the others hot on his heels. “What happened? You hung up so quickly - did you find her?”

Connor shook his head, trying to make sense of his scattered thoughts. “It’s Vince, I’m sure of it. Brooke said he wanted to take over the pack. Carlo reported he hasn’t seen her since the meeting ended. Fuck. We need to find her, now.”

“I understand you’re worried about her, but what does this have to do with us?” Cody asked, confusion creasing his face. Connor felt a growl rumble at the back of his throat and Cody took a step back, head bowing automatically in the face of his pissed off alpha.

“Brooke is my mate,” Connor snapped impatiently. Six Copyright 2016 - 2024