Betrayal and Redemption - Abby Ayles Page 0,68

he could.

When it was their turn to be served, he only absentmindedly chose a costume for himself, largely following Georgiana’s recommendations. Soon, they were back at Irvington Manor, at which point, he excused himself from their company with the explanation he had something to attend to and the promise he would see them the next day.

In reality he simply needed the time to think. He was afraid the more time Georgiana spent with Walter, the closer they might become to figuring out his secret.

He was coming to realize her finding out the truth might be more of an inevitability. He paced back and forth, as he debated what he could do to prevent it.

There seemed to be only one thing he could do. He had to confess his feelings to Georgiana before it was too late. If he could show her how much, how deeply, he loved her and could win her love in return, she might forgive him when she did find out.

First, he had to open her eyes to the fact they could be more than friends. With that settled in his mind, he decided the first moment it felt appropriate, he would confess his feelings to Georgiana. He hoped, more than anything else, she might at least give him a chance.

But more than that, part of him still hoped she would never find out what he had done two years ago. Or, if she did, she wouldn’t be so hurt by his actions, she would send him away from her side forever.

Chapter 23

Georgiana couldn’t help but feel a little excited when Lucy helped her to slip her dress on. The masquerade would begin in just another hour or two, and she could hardly wait to see all the different costumes the guests would be wearing.

She had chosen a cerulean-blue dress and a mask clearly defining her as Amphitrite, the goddess of the sea. She had always been fascinated by the Greek goddess, wishing there were more legends about her than about Poseidon.

“Do you think anyone else will be dressing up as Amphitrite?” she asked Lucy, as she took a seat to allow her maid to do her hair.

“Hmm … I don’t know. I suppose it is possible, Miss, but I had never heard of her until you told me about her. I think most of the other ladies, if they choose to go as a goddess, will probably stick to the better known ones,” Lucy replied as she worked, making her mistress’s blonde curls look as much as possible like waves, in keeping with the theme of the sea.

“I suppose you are right,” Georgiana admitted. “Still, I don’t know why so many people know about Hera and Athena and the rest of them, while Amphitrite gets so little acknowledgment.”

She saw Lucy smile, but neither of them spoke again until her hair was finished. “That’s wonderful! Thank you, Lucy.”

“No need to thank me, Miss. I hope you enjoy the ball.”

Georgiana smiled as she stepped into the hallway, walking straight into Ambrose, who, apparently, had been about to knock on her door. “Oh,” she giggled as they both took a step back. “I am sorry—”

“Pardon me,” he said at almost the same moment.

That caused her to giggle again as she looked at him. “Ah, I see that you are ready, too.”

“Yes…” he replied slowly as he looked at her. “I must say, you look … breathtaking.”

She smiled at him innocently and replied, “And you make a rather handsome Poseidon in that blue suit of yours.”

Then, she recalled he had been about to knock on her door for some reason. “Oh, am I running late? I didn’t think I had been very long in getting ready,” she remarked with a little concern, as she headed for the staircase.

“No,” he quickly replied as he grasped her hand to stop her. “I just … I wanted to have a word with you before we leave. If you don’t mind, of course…”

Georgiana noticed a hint of what she thought might be desperation in his voice. Her first thought was that something was troubling him, but then she recalled his concerns about attending the ball.

“Very well. Where do you want to talk?” she asked, feeling confident he simply wanted to make sure one last time she was certain about attending the ball.

“How about the drawing room? That way, we will know when your aunt and uncle are ready to leave?” he asked, obviously relieved when she nodded her head in acquiescence.

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