Betrayal and Redemption - Abby Ayles Page 0,67

angry with Walter any longer.


Ambrose felt himself on edge the moment he heard where the ball was to be held. He quickly tried to think of any reason, any excuse, to convince Georgiana to decline the invitation, but without success.

Why has that blasted man sent an invitation at all? And how had all the anger Georgiana had once felt disappear so quickly? Even with me encouraging her to hold onto her resentment, she has still forgiven! How am I to keep them apart now?

He had agreed to go into town with Georgiana and her aunt in the hopes he would get another chance to dissuade her. Perhaps the modiste would be too busy to make what they wanted, or Georgiana might not be able to find a costume she liked.

During the carriage ride, he stayed mostly silent, listening to Georgiana, Adelaide, and Jonas discussing what costumes they might choose. With the two ladies doing most of the talking, he was able to plan how he might stop them—or at least Georgiana—from going.

“Ambrose?” he was startled out of his thoughts by Georgiana.

“Hmm? What was that? I was just … lost in thought,” he replied.

He loved the sound she made when she giggled at him before she replied, “That is quite obvious. I was just trying to get your attention because we have arrived.”

“Oh, I see,” he replied, as he quickly got out of the carriage and turned to assist her. “It seems we are not the only ones getting ready for the masquerade,” he added, as they saw that several ladies and a few gentlemen were already present in the shop.

“Well, that will give us a little more time to decide what we want,” she replied, as they found a place where they could wait their turn.

“Hopefully, they will have something you like, and the modiste will have time to make it,” he told her, his voice showing he was anything but hopeful. “But what if you don’t see anything you like?”

“I am sure I will find something,” she assured him.

Seeing the notion did not bother her in the slightest, he tried something else after a moment or two. “Do you think Bartlett might have something planned? I mean, it seems to be extremely convenient he is throwing a ball directly after you have forgiven him…”

“What do you mean, Ambrose?” she asked, and he was pleased to see he now had her full attention.

“Well…” he began, seeming to hesitate as he considered his words. “It is possible he thinks he still might have a chance with you…” Especially considering the way he looked at you as you walked away from him after that dance, he mentally added.

Ambrose was glad to see the shock on her face, but the next moment he was far from pleased to see how she flushed slightly and turned her head away.

Still, her reply was satisfactory, as she told him, “Well, even if he has such intentions, I will not accept them. He can court Clarissa Rutherford for all I care.”

Though her words were a flat denial, something in her tone sounded less than confident. However, Ambrose decided to press the issue at hand instead of questioning her about it.

“So, you don’t think it is possible that could be the reason why he has decided to host a masquerade ball? So, he might have a chance to see you?”

When he saw her frown and consider the suggestion, he continued before she could reply, “I merely want you to consider not attending the ball. That is all.”

He knew, if that did not work, he would be overstepping himself if he pressed her further. So, he waited with bated breath, while she thought for a long moment.

He sighed with disappointment when she began to shake her head. “No … I am determined to go. If he tries to talk to me, I will make it clear, if he is not content with my friendship, I will not offer anything more.”

“Very well,” he told her, masking his disappointment as sympathy. “I simply want you to be certain of your decision.”

She smiled at him, making him feel just a little guilty, until he reminded himself he had not been the one to hurt her by leaving without a word.

“Thank you, Ambrose. I am so glad I can always trust you to look out for me.”

At that point, he lapsed into silence. There was no hope of dissuading her, so he would simply have to keep the pair apart as much as Copyright 2016 - 2024