Betrayal and Redemption - Abby Ayles Page 0,4

she didn’t want him to feel forced into going with her. However, by this time, having remembered some of the good times she had enjoyed in London, a part of her was already considering going without him.

She heard him sigh loudly. “I’ll come. Perhaps not for the whole season or every event, but I will come.”

Georgiana grinned, but tried not to make her triumph at getting her own way too obvious. “Thank you. After we have had our ride, I will leave you alone for the most part until we arrive in London, to give you adequate time to prepare.”

“And shouldn’t you go home to start packing for yourself?”

“Actually, Aunt Adelaide is probably already directing Lucy to do that for me as we speak.”

“Yes, I can easily picture that,” he replied, and his smile started to return.

Georgiana returned it with one of her own, as she changed the subject to a discussion of some of her aunt’s past actions. Though their ride wasn’t a particularly long one, she nevertheless felt it made a peaceful prelude to the turmoil that might lay ahead.

Chapter 2

Walter Harris, Baron Bartlett, let out the satisfied sigh of a job well done, as he opened the door to his uncle’s home. Though tedious at times, getting hands-on experience with his uncle’s wine business was something he found interesting.

“Ah, hello Walter, and how was your today?” his aunt asked when she saw him. Her French accent was still quite thick, but her pronunciation was good.

“It is ‘your day’ not ‘your today,” he gently corrected the petite French woman, with whom his uncle had fallen in love and married. “And it was a good day, Aunt Anne-Marie. Nothing special happened.”

“That is good. You have received a letter from your mother this morning. I set it by your bedside for you.”

“Thank you. I need to change for dinner anyway,” he replied as he headed towards his room. Walter felt a twinge of guilt as he thought about how long it had been since he had seen his mother. However, he also knew how much his uncle Edward needed his help here in France.

Walter glanced at the letter, postponing opening it until after he had dressed. He knew he mustn’t wait until after dinner to read it, since everyone in attendance would likely ask him what it said the moment he got to the table.

Grabbing the letter, he mentally scolded himself for not being happier to hear from his mother. Walter sat on the edge of the bed as he read the contents of the letter:

My dearest Son,

I was pleased to get your last letter and to hear how well your uncle’s wine business is doing with your help. It sounds as though your cousin Felicia is helping in some ways herself, and I am glad you two have been getting on so well together.

I had been hoping Edward would only need your help for a short while. However, it seems as though you postpone returning home to England with every letter you send. Truly, I understand your uncle needs the help, but perhaps he could hire someone to take over your duties for a time?

Though I miss you dearly, I would not mind your absence if that were the only reason. The truth is, I feel I am getting on in years and am unable to continue tending to things on my own.

In short, you are needed at home, my son. Your uncle is still able and has your aunt and cousin there to help him. I have no one but you.

Consider it my early birthday present if you must, though I won’t stop you from buying me another when the actual day comes. It has been nearly two years since I last saw you, and I am longing to find out how you are faring in person and not simply through letters.

All my love,

Your affectionate Mother

Walter sighed as he folded the letter and put it away with the others he had received from his mother. While she had hinted she would like him to return in almost every letter she had sent in recent months, this was the first time she had been so direct about it.

Still, he was certain things weren’t as serious at home as she seemed to think they were. Besides, his uncle needed his help. His father would not have liked it if his own son refused to help his younger brother when he needed it!

Confident in his decision, Walter headed downstairs to join Copyright 2016 - 2024