Betrayal and Redemption - Abby Ayles Page 0,3

head straight for where she hoped to find Ambrose. She knew full well she would not be able to enjoy her ride at all until she knew what his answer would be.

The ride to the neighboring estate, which often seemed too long, now felt far too short. Worse, she still had no idea how to bring up the subject with Ambrose. At times like these, she wished he were her brother in blood as well as in spirit. Then, he would be living with her uncle and aunt in the same household, and he would already know about their plans.

She sighed, knowing such thoughts were nothing more than wishful thinking, as she maneuvered Caspian to a stop near the stables of the Ambrose’s estate.

“Please send to ask Mr. Rowley to join me for a ride,” she told one of the nearby stable hands, who had been tending to the horses. “And, if he says he is too busy, tell him I have an urgent matter to discuss with him this morning.”

“Right away, Miss Montgomery.”

Georgiana watched the young boy bolt away to do as she had asked, confident Ambrose would not keep her waiting long. Absentmindedly pursing her lips, she debated whether she should talk about some happier topics to open the conversation or if it would be better to make her request first.

“Well, if you are making that face then it must be something serious.”

Georgiana was almost startled by the sound of her friend’s voice, hearing the mildly teasing tone without being the slightest bit offended. “It is serious,” she replied honestly. “But first, has anything of consequence happened with you lately?”

“No. I can’t say anything has. At least, not since we saw each other two days ago.”

At that moment, their conversation was interrupted by the stable hand bringing Ambrose’s horse out for him. It was only after he had mounted and they had started off at a slow pace that he asked the inevitable question. “So, what is wrong, Georgie?”

Georgiana didn’t bother to reply at first, not even with a playful denial, as she might have done on any other day. “My aunt and uncle are going to London for the season, and they want me to go with them,” she told him simply.

Ambrose seemed taken aback at that. “Are you serious? It is far too soon to even be thinking of something like that! You did tell them you wouldn’t go, of course. They can hardly expect you to after— Wait. Are you saying you want to go?”

“Well… I wouldn’t say I truly like the idea, but they did make several convincing arguments. And Uncle is right about it being something that it is better not to postpone any longer.”

“Not to postpone? Why must it be done at all? I thought you enjoyed it here in the country. It is certainly better than mingling with those hateful gossips. You know you will have to deal with them if you go.”

“I know. And that is why I am hoping you will agree to come with us,” she replied gently.

Ambrose looked as though he didn’t know quite what to make of her less than subtle request. His blue eyes showed he was deep in thought, while the sun shone on his blonde hair. “But why do you want to go at all? You cannot claim you are close with anyone who is going to be there.”

“True. But I still remember my first season. I may have learned to love horses and the outdoors over the last two years, but a part of me still loves the excitement, the beautiful dresses, and the dancing, which left my poor feet almost too sore to walk upon. While I might be glad the season only lasts for a part of the year, I confess I miss those bits.”

“And why do you need me to go?” Ambrose asked.

Georgiana could tell by his voice he was already halfway resigned to going with her. All she had to do now to clinch his agreement was to finally convince him. “Because … I need my best friend by my side to give me the courage to face all those hateful gossips you mention. More than that, I might need a shoulder to cry on if it all becomes too much to bear.”

Ambrose was silent for a long while, and she let him think about it. She knew he had hated attending the season on the few occasions he had been forced to. While she wanted him there, Copyright 2016 - 2024