Betrayal and Redemption - Abby Ayles Page 0,31

noticed you, they must all be fools.”

Clearly, this was not exactly what she had been hoping to hear, for she said, “I am sure you must say that to all the pretty young debutantes.”

“Not at all,” he informed her, taking the moment to lift her free hand and pressing a light kiss on the back of her glove. “I say so now in the hope you may allow me the pleasure of … of accompanying me on a ride sometime this week?”

He knew he was supposed to have asked to call on her, but he couldn’t bring himself to ask. Hopefully, this compromise would placate his mother.

Though Clarissa was evidently slightly disappointed, she quickly hid it with a smile. “Why, that would be delightful. There are no events planned for tomorrow, if the day suits you, and perhaps you could join us afterward for a light luncheon?”

“I would be delighted,” Walter bowed, smiling with false pleasure. “I shall look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning, then, Miss Rutherford. Now, shall we dance once more?” Her eyes lit up at the invitation. To dance twice with the same man was regarded as an indicator of his serious intent. They approached the dance floor once more.

The first task set by his mother now accomplished, Walter waited for the next dance to begin, with Miss Rutherford on his arm, so he could complete the last. He made a point of complimenting her on both her hair and her dress, giving no hint of how unwell he was feeling.

He felt himself going through the motions of being as charming as possible throughout the evening, though his heart wasn’t in it. The compliments flying thick and fast in the air felt stiff and insincere.

There was also the fact that part of his mind was still on Mr. and Mrs. Rowley, as they danced, as they talked to the duchess, and then, as they shared a final dance together before they and the Earl and Countess of Irvington left for the night.

Walter knew he should have asked Miss Rutherford to dance with him that time, which she was clearly expecting him to do, but he had not wished to be on the dancefloor at the same time as Georgiana. The next dance, a waltz, he danced with Miss Rutherford before, having completed his assigned tasks, finding an excuse to finally leave her.

Finding his mother in the crowd, he caught her eye and then waited. A few moments later, he saw her excuse herself from her conversation and approach him.

“And how is the lovely Clarissa Rutherford this evening?” she asked.

“Quite well. We danced together twice, but I feel the need to retire for the evening, so I can be as fresh as possible for the ride we are taking tomorrow.”

Sylvia gave him a satisfied nod before turning to say her few goodbyes. Taking his arm, the two went in silence to the carriage, and then home.

Walter was relieved beyond words when he was finally able to settle himself in his own bed. If only his mind would not keep replaying the way Georgiana had turned away from him when she had seen him … and then she had avoided him for the rest of the evening…

The moment felt as if it would be permanently etched on his mind as he questioned himself. Why? Where had he gone wrong? When had he missed the signs? How could she have behaved as she did?

These questions, and others like them, plagued him. As he finally drifted off to sleep, he wondered if he would ever be free of them…

Chapter 11

Georgiana sat in her bedchamber, staring out of the window at the garden below. Today was the day of the garden party her aunt Adelaide was hosting at Irvington Manor.

Because of it, the scene below her was alive with servants bustling back and forth getting everything ready. The first of the preparations had started two days earlier, the morning after the soiree, and now everything was coming together beautifully.

As much as she tried to simply enjoy the garden coming to life, she could not help her mind flickering back to past tea parties similar to this one. The last one she had attended had been with Walter by her side…

It was a spring day but, unlike today, there was a slight chance of rain. Adelaide was almost beside herself, fretting and making plans for taking the party inside in case it started to rain.

“I am sure it won’t rain,” Georgiana told Copyright 2016 - 2024