Betrayal and Redemption - Abby Ayles Page 0,30

it without giving himself the chance to think what might be in it. The first swallow nearly choked him; it tasted foul, and the smell was not much better. However, he forced himself to drink the whole glass.

“Good. Now we can leave,” she told him as she took his arm. “The last few touches may be done in the carriage, since we are already a little late.”

Walter, though still not wishing it, found himself obediently following along. By the time they were in the carriage and heading for the dowager duchess’ manor, he was surprised to find his head was aching less than before.

A glance at his mother revealed she had noticed his slight improvement but was in no sort of mood to speak to him yet. It made for a wordless ride until they arrived.

“Don’t forget to share two dances with Miss Rutherford and to engage her in conversation, so you can ask to call on her. Once you have accomplished that, let me know, then we can leave,” Sylvia told her son as he helped her out of the carriage and into the manor.

Walter did not reply, instead only watching as his mother, with a sudden smile on her face, left his side to talk to the other guests. Just then, he heard familiar laughter coming from a different part of the room.

His eyes instantly turned in that direction and was struck by the sight of Georgiana laughing with her husband. It was his favorite sound, and the way it lit up her whole face…

The pain in his heart was suddenly much greater than the mild pain in his head. Seeing them together, picturing the two of them on a moonlight stroll, gazing into each other’s eyes made him feel sick.

A moment later, Mr. Rowley left her side, and her eyes seemed to wander the room until they met his own gaze. This time, instead of holding his gaze, she turned away quite deliberately.

Walter felt puzzled. Why is she looking as if she is offended by me? I am the one who was hurt by her misleading me! Does she expect me to still flatter and court her even though she is married?

Forcing himself to acknowledge such thoughts would get him nowhere; he instead searched the room for Miss Rutherford. He quickly spotted her near her parents and walked towards her with purposeful steps.

If Georgiana truly cared so little about him, then he would prove to her he did not care for her either. Therefore, he pushed his headache to the side and bowed deeply when he reached Clarissa.

“It is a pleasure to see you again, Miss Rutherford. My apologies for not getting here sooner, but I was detained.”

“You don’t need to apologize for something that couldn’t be helped,” she quickly replied, eager to set his mind at ease.

“I absolutely should, since it is my fault for letting something of lesser importance detain me.”

The implication she held importance to him was clear enough to make her flush with pleasure at the pretty compliment. “Well, I suppose you must correct your priorities, so you may be sure to be on time for the next event.”

“Certainly, I shall. In the meantime, would you like to dance?” he asked and offered her his arm.

Miss Rutherford fluttered her eyelashes at him with a smile as she took it. “I would be honored to dance with you, Lord Bartlett.”

“And I am equally convinced the honor is all mine,” he replied, and led her to the area set aside for dancing.

The dance was not a long one, for which Walter was immensely grateful, as he was forced to smile pleasantly at his partner while the steps jarred his head at every turn.

The exertion of the dance gave him a good excuse to get them both some punch, which Miss Rutherford gladly accepted. “Why, thank you for fetching some for me,” she said as she took the glass from him.

“Not at all. If I hadn’t done so, then one of the other gentlemen present would have no doubt offered.”

“You seem to imply I have many admirers,” she said, sipping demurely on the punch.

Walter felt she was trying a little too hard to fish for a compliment. Georgiana was never the sort to have made such an obvious remark. Refocusing himself on his goals for the evening, he replied as she seemed to be hoping he would.

“Well, a young lady as beautiful as yourself can hardly expect otherwise. If none of the other young men have Copyright 2016 - 2024