Begin Again - Jennifer Probst Page 0,33

else happened between them? This didn’t sound like a confident man showing off. “I’m not here to play any type of games. I’ve been honest with Chloe about what I want, and that’s between the two of us. There’s no ring on her finger,” he said mildly.

Drew narrowed his gaze. “There will be soon. Let me be direct. You left her once, and deep down, no matter what you do, she’ll never trust you again. Women don’t let themselves get invested in true second chances with the assholes who dump them. It’s textbook.”

The words pushed at his own doubts. Could she ever truly forgive him and risk her heart again? “I didn’t realize you were a romance expert.”

“I intend to marry her. We also know she’s passionate about her work. My foundation was about to give Advocates for Animals a sizable donation. Do you really want to be the reason her organization doesn’t receive it?”

Shock barreled through him. Was this guy for real? “Are you telling me you’d pull the funds just to get back at me? You’d want to hurt Chloe for a little revenge?”

“Of course not. I’m trying to protect her, and giving you incentive to leave her alone is the only way to do that.”

“And if I told her what you were trying to do?” he challenged, temper curling inside him.

Drew shrugged. “I’d deny it. She wouldn’t believe you, anyway. You’ll never be enough for her, Salt. Look at you. You’re still wet behind the ears and no match for the governor’s daughter. Jonathan and I are close and will work well together. You have no money and working at a not-for-profit will never be able to support both of you. Chloe deserves to be pampered in style. What do you have to offer her?”

“How about love?”

Drew smirked. “I can offer her that, along with everything else. She’d live like a queen and have an entire foundation to run and help any rescue she wants. Love alone is for naïve teenagers. The real world rewards couples who want to settle down and have a future. To grow into more together. You already gave her your best, and it will never be enough.”

In some respect, Owen knew the man was playing a game of words, trying to intimidate like a ruthless business shark intent on closing a deal. As much as he recognized the tactics, the truth hit him full force, barreling into him like a missile shattering his confident façade. Because inside, he still wondered the same exact thing.

Would he ever be enough for Chloe Lake?

“Just back off and leave Chloe alone. It’ll be best for everyone involved. I know a lot of people, Salt. I can make things uncomfortable for you here. Besides, you can never truly satisfy her—in bed, or out.”

He turned to leave. Drew’s words had been chosen to target his weak points, as if the man knew Owen had spent his life trying to be worthy of being the man Chloe Lake loved.

But no longer.

The ego behind Drew’s statement revealed a man who loved himself, not Chloe. He wasn’t better than Owen just because he had power and money and Jonathan’s ear. Because no other man would ever be able to give Chloe what she truly wanted and needed.

Love. Trust. Companionship. Respect.

All the things she deserved.

All the things Drew Dinkle knew nothing about.

Owen used his voice like a whiplash. “You’re wrong, dude. On every level.”

Drew glanced over, giving him a scathing glare. “Oh, really?”

“Yeah, really. Because you showed your hand the moment you tried to sacrifice the grant in defense of your so-called love for her. You’d be the one to break Chloe’s heart, with your selfishness and ego. I’m not going anywhere. Because she deserves better than you.”

The man’s lips curled back in a sneer. “Then you’ll be very, very sorry.”

He shut the door behind him.

Owen cursed under his breath. What an asshole. That dialogue ran deeper than a man trying to protect his relationship. That was almost primitive, as if he was trying to desperately get back something he lost.

Maybe it was time to figure out what was really going on.

He grabbed his keys and headed out the door.

Half an hour later, he gazed up at her building and hesitated. Somehow, he’d known he was headed here the entire time.

Owen typed the text and hit send.

I’m outside. Want to talk?

He didn’t have to wait long for the answer. Yes. Come up.

She was waiting for him at the door. She wore frayed Copyright 2016 - 2024