Begin Again - Jennifer Probst Page 0,32

father was overbearing at times, but she knew it was because he loved her and felt protective, especially after all the ups and downs they’d gone through in their relationship. “No. I’ll see you in a few days.”

“Love you.”

“Love you, too.” She hung up and glanced at Owen’s empty desk. Was he coming in today? She wanted a chance to talk to him honestly, but another part of her just wanted to hide. Unfortunately, being the governor’s daughter in NYC didn’t allow her much privacy. Reporters would be stalking her for comments the next few days. Better for her to stay buried in the office and focus on work.

The door burst open. Vivian walked in and stopped before her desk. Dark eyes wide in her face, she stabbed a finger in the air. “Are you sleeping with Owen Salt?”

Chloe groaned. “What is up with everyone using his first and last name?”

“Answer me, girlfriend. I just saw the papers and Owen said nothing to me this morning. What’s going on with you two?”

“I’m in a mess, Viv. I never told you I knew Owen before. We were each other’s first love.”

Vivian dragged over the other desk chair and plopped herself down. “Start from the beginning. Tell me everything.”

She did. Her friend listened without interruption, nodding occasionally until Chloe finished with breaking it off with Drew. Viv jerked her head toward the flowers. “So that move was to piss off Owen, I’m assuming?”

“Probably. Makes it sounds like we spent the night together. Drew said he wanted to give me some time, but I already know how I feel. Do you believe he texted my father?”

Vivian rolled her eyes. “Definitely not a Captain America type of move. I can’t believe you kept all this so tight. Hell, I can’t believe out of all the lawyers in all the world, we picked Owen. Kind of like—”

“Fate?” she finished.

“Yep. What are you going to do?”

“I need to talk to Owen. Tell him what’s going on.”

“But what do you want, Chloe? Another chance? Do you want to try again with him?”

She sighed. “I’m drawn to him in a way I’ve never experienced before. And it’s just as powerful as when we were young. But I don’t know if it’s too late for us to pick up all the pieces and begin again.”

Vivian nodded. “I hear you. I guess you have to figure it out. Owen’s in court so he won’t be back today.”

“Maybe it’s for the best. He’d probably get stalked by reporters around here. I’m sorry, Viv. I never meant to drag everyone into this mess. I hope it doesn’t affect any of our donors or staff.”

Vivian rose from the chair and laughed. “Are you kidding? Nothing like a good love triangle to get the animals some positive press. Don’t worry, we can all handle it. Let me know if you need anything.”


She watched her friend leave, then began sorting through the mess on her desk and blowing up her phone. She’d hole up in her office and get lunch and dinner delivered.

And eventually, talk to Owen.

Chapter Ten

Owen had just opened up a cold beer and checked his phone again to see if Chloe had reached out yet.

Still nothing.

It had been a day from hell, and all he could think about was how she’d probably made her decision to be with Drew.

The buzzer cut into his thoughts and startled him. Maybe she’d come to see him? He hit the intercom. “Yes?”

“Drew Dinkle to see you, sir,” the doorman informed.

He jerked back. What the hell? Why was Drew tracking him down? To rub in his victory? Anger flicked at his nerves. He thought of going downstairs to meet him, but figured it would be best to keep the conversation private. “Send him up.”

Drew entered his apartment dressed in a tailored, sleek black suit and pink shirt. He smelled of beachy, expensive cologne. His jaw was freshly shaven and perfectly squared. He gazed back at Owen with a cool, clipped disapproval, taking in his sparsely decorated apartment and his worn-out sweats and T-shirt.

“I wanted to talk to you,” he said, posture perfectly straight. “About Chloe.”

“I figured that’d be the subject.” Owen regarded him with a touch of wariness, though he made sure to keep it off his face. “What’s up?”

“A few things. First, I came here to ask you man to man to back off. Chloe and I are falling in love. She doesn’t need your little games messing with her head.”

He arched a brow. Had something Copyright 2016 - 2024