Been There Done That (Leffersbee #1) - Hope Ellis Page 0,129

seconds away from vomiting.

I settled in the chair, forced myself to meet Dean Gould’s eyes. I couldn’t read his expression one way of the other.

I casted a vaguely interested glance around his office. It was one of the nicest on campus. Floor to ceiling window, fancy cherry furniture. A picture of a smiling young girl sat on his desk, angled toward him. I wondered who the little girl was and if he found it easier to smile at her.

“Thanks for coming in on such short notice.”


He folded his hands on the desk and raised one bushy brow at me. “I know you’ve had quite a bit going on for the last month or two.”

I nodded politely.

C’mon. Just hand me my metaphorical box so we can get this over with.

He gave me an appraising look. “You look great, though. Well-rested.”

I nodded again. No good would come of my extolling the virtues of daily orgasms with him, right before he outlined an exit plan.

I decided I couldn’t take any more of his silence, the probing stare he aimed at me as if trying to see the inside of my brain. Enough of the suspense; I just needed to know already.

“Why’d you ask me to come in, Peter?”

His usual, haughty expression slid into place. “Dr. Leffersbee, I need to make you aware of a . . . delicate situation.”

Please, just hurry up and fire me.

“This is about my tenure. Right?”

“Well. Yes. In a way.”

“Okay . . .”

He leaned back against the high-backed leather chair, clasping his hands just above his pin-striped covered paunch. “I have become aware of a situation in which a vendor, Nick Rossi, has presented us with a peculiar dilemma.”

Oh, hurry the fuck up. I could tell he was enjoying this in his own perverse way, drawing out his words, studying the surface of his highly shined nails. “Please, Peter. Could you just . . . say it? Whatever it is?”

“Mr. Rossi has generously offered a very significant donation. Very significant. To be split between the School of Medicine and the hospital.”

Some of the tension left my shoulders. That didn’t sound bad at all. It sounded like a good development, as a matter of fact. “Okay.”

But what did this have to do with my tenure?

As if reading my thoughts, he continued. “We are all very excited about this development, as you may imagine. There’s just one problem. The gift is contingent on the School of Medicine granting you tenure. And funding your existing research. Without your knowledge.”

I took in a breath and it got stuck.

I couldn’t breathe.

“I thought you’d want to know.” His gaze moved over mine, searching. “Especially if you’ve . . . elected to strike up a continued acquaintance with Mr. Rossi.”

I sat still. Petrified. Unable to move, breathe or speak.

Had he really just said that? Had Nick really, what, blackmailed them? After I’d told him I had it under control, that I’d handle it?

“We are, of course, in a quandary. The money would certainly solve many of our problems. And yet we still have an obligation to uphold our ethical standards. Therefore, I decided you should know.” His head lowered and he peered at me from under his brows. His eyes suddenly took on a decidedly flinty glint. “Unless you already knew?”

That woke me up.

“Of course I didn’t know. What are you suggesting?”

He spread his hands wide. “I’m merely the messenger, Dr. Leffersbee. I know about as much as you do.”


Nick had extorted them, pressured them to grant me tenure. Asked them to lie to me about him funding my studies.

He’d never believed in me. Never thought me capable of earning this on my own.

How could I trust him, knowing he’d deceive me this way? That he’d go behind my back and try to pay my way? But hadn’t he already done it, with my help? Hadn’t I just fallen in line, given myself over as soon as he showed up to town?

Now, I really did feel sick, sick enough to throw up on my own shoes.

“We turned him down,” Dean Gould said, his gaze on mine. I buried my head in my hands, reeling from emotional whiplash. “Because three days prior to Mr. Rossi approaching Nellie with his offer, the committee here voted to approve your tenure.”

“Wait . . . What?” My head snapped up and my eyes went wide as I searched his face for any hint that he was toying with me. “What did you say? I got tenure?”

“You did.” His face cracked with Copyright 2016 - 2024