Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,55

with kisses, he swiftly parted her lips and captured her mouth with his own. His tongue darted in and out joining hers in a glorious, fevered dance.

As the kiss deepened, Rebecca slid her hands up his chest, over his shoulders until she wrapped her arms around his neck. A lusty moan startled her, and she pulled away.

Breathing labored, she placed a hand at her throat and felt the open collar. She quickly buttoned it back and looked toward the door.

“My heavens! I’m in your room with the door closed. If anyone found me here...” She turned back to face him. “Or if Aunt Josephine were to find out.”

Jared pulled her back into his arms. “Let her.”

Chapter Sixteen

Rebecca had difficulty convincing Jared to go downstairs for lunch. He kept pulling her back into his arms for another kiss each time she broke free.

“That’s enough, Jared.”

“It’ll never be enough,” he groaned, reaching for her again.

Sidestepping him, she went over to the mirror and refastened a few loosened hairpins. When she turned, she found him sitting on the foot of the bed, watching her. He patted a spot next to him.

“Come here.”

“No, Jared. I have already risked convention by being alone in your room with you for more than a minute. You forget this is my hometown. If anyone I know were to see me coming out of this room…my reputation would be ruined. And if Aunt Josephine’s church friends were to find out...well, she’d disown me.”

“Then that settles it. You’ll have to marry me now.”

She laughed and placed her hands on her hips. “As if you’d have to force me.”

“Is that a yes?”

“Perhaps.” She turned back toward the mirror and checked her hair one last time to make sure every pin was in place.

“What would it take to make it a definite yes?” He stood.

“A real proposal. Not one in jest. Not one after an argument. But one when I least expect it.”

“Fair enough.” He came to stand behind her and trailed kisses up her slender neck before nibbling at her earlobe.

She smiled at him in the mirror, enjoying the tingles running over her body. “Jared, you must behave yourself.”

“Only if you’ll marry me,” he said.

“Jared, please,” she pleaded.

He nodded. “All right. And to save your reputation, dear one, I’ll exit the room first, go downstairs, and wait for you in the dining room.”

“Thank you.” She faced him and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him one last time before he left.

He groaned, pushing away from her. “Don’t be long.”

She swallowed and waited until he was gone before she walked over to the window and watched the hustle and bustle of the people going about their business. She spotted a few familiar faces, and then she saw Stuart Delaney leaning against the post outside the candy shop, smoking a cheroot.

She truly didn’t understand what Mariah had seen in the man. Sure he was handsome to a fault with dark hair, broad shoulders, and brooding eyes. But Rebecca would take ten Jareds over him any day. She only prayed Lucas took after the Davis side of the family in looks when he grew older. She didn’t fancy the idea of being reminded of Delaney every time she looked at her boy.

Sighing, she turned away from the window and went downstairs to the dining room. She found Jared at a corner table already enjoying a cup of coffee. He stood when she approached and pulled out her chair.

“I went ahead and ordered for us. I hope you don’t mind. I remember you liked pot roast.”

“That’s fine. I have a meeting at two o’clock with my lawyer. Would you like to come with me?”

“Are you sure?”

“I wouldn’t have asked otherwise.” She smiled and placed her napkin in her lap.

“Then I’d be honored to join you.”

“Good. I’ll show you around town afterward.”

Jared reached for her hand and squeezed it. “I’m glad you aren’t upset with me for following you.”

“I should be very angry that you didn’t trust me enough to take care of my business without following me, but I understand why you came. And now that you’re here, I’m glad.”

“You were being so mysterious that night, wearing a cloak and going into the shadier part of town where no woman in her right mind would go during the day, let alone at night.” Jared’s brows arched. “What was I to think? I feared for your safety. I don’t know what I would have done if something had happened to you.”

Rebecca nodded and her stomach Copyright 2016 - 2024