Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,54

a relief. But can we trust him not to gamble it away before he sees Delaney?”

Jared felt his jaw twitch at the notion. “It makes me uneasy to think about it. But tell me, how do you know Rory?”

“Ruth. But that’s another confession all together. I can’t tell you everything.”

He leaned against the dresser again. “Then tell me what you can.”

“I wish it was that easy.”

“I want to hear it all.”

Rebecca swallowed and stood, clutching the skirt of her dress. She’d confessed about Lucas, so she might as well confess about her secret life. “We’re much alike in our principles, Jared. You use hired labor on your plantation, and I work with a committee that supports emancipation. I joined an organization while at the Women’s Seminary in Virginia where I met Elizabeth. I know you’ll find it hard to believe, but Rory works for them too.”

Jared laughed, but sobered when she did not break a smile. “Go on.”

“My visit to Jackson was to attend the wedding, but also to complete a mission. Rory was my liaison. We’d never met, which is the way the committee works to protect all involved. After arriving in town, I received a correspondence from him and it was signed Hollingsworth. He said I’d know him by the yellow rose in his lapel. When I met you at Elizabeth and Mitchell’s wedding you wore a yellow rose. A simple mistake for me to make, don’t you agree?”

He stared at her. “So our relationship has all been a charade?”

“Oh no, Jared.” She rushed across the room and stood before him, taking his hands in hers. “You mustn’t think that. My feelings for you are real.”

His expression was unreadable and she held her breath, fearing he didn’t believe her.

“Why did you agree to have dinner with me after Elizabeth and Mitchell’s wedding?”

“I won’t pretend I didn’t hope we’d discuss our mission,” she admitted, “but I was also interested in getting to know you better. If I may be so bold as to say, I found you very attractive. I still do.”

A quirk of a smile formed at his mouth, but a stern look quickly replaced it. “And the weeks that followed? Were you toying with my affections, especially after you realized I wasn’t your contact?”


“But that’s what happened in the library, isn’t it? You realized your mistake. That’s why you rushed away.”

She nodded. “I’m sorry. I feared my mistake had cost Ruth her life. I’d been spending my time falling in love with you instead of getting her out of Jackson.”

His brows arched at her confession. “And in the carriage that day, is Ruth the reason you refused my proposal?”

Rebecca swallowed. “It broke my heart you chose that moment to propose because the last thing I wanted to tell you was no. But, until my mission was complete, I couldn’t even begin to think about a future with you. That’s the only reason I turned you down. If I was caught...”

His features softened. “And is your mission over now?”


The beginnings of a smile formed at his mouth. “So if I knelt down right now and asked you to marry me, would you say yes?”

She half-grinned. The edge had gone out of his voice, and the talk of marriage meant he still wanted her, even after her deception. But the butterflies were back, playing havoc in her stomach. Her pulse quickened. “No,” she said playfully. “I don’t suppose so. I’d like the circumstances to be different.”


She considered for a moment. “More romantic.”

“I see. What would make it more romantic? A large bouquet of flowers? I’m sure I could arrange it.”

“That would do for starters.”

“Followed by what? A dinner by candlelight with violins playing?”

She smiled. “That would be pleasant.”

He cleared his throat. “Will you be visiting any more brothels?”

She laughed. “Not if I have any say in the matter.”

“Will there be any more missions?”

“If the committee needs me, I may consider it, but as my husband I would discuss it with you before deciding.”

Jared nodded and held out his hand. She slowly placed hers in his and with one fluid motion; he pulled her into his arms. “Miss Davis, you utterly charm and amaze me.”

“Is that a good thing, Mr. Hollingsworth?”

“A very good thing.” He smiled, lowering his mouth to hers for a kiss.

“Then you forgive me?” she asked, stopping him in mid-motion.

“Yes. But you must promise to keep no more secrets.”

“I promise.”

Before she could distract him again, he tilted her chin upward and brushed her lips with his. Nibbling Copyright 2016 - 2024