Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,38

the business wait?” Josephine asked, sitting down at the dressing table. “I don’t feel right about you leaving right now.”

“I’m afraid not. Normally I’d take Charlotte with me as a companion when I travel, but I feel she is needed here to help you with Lucas.”

Josephine turned around, looking as if she were about to protest, but nodded. “I think that would be wise.”

“Thank you for understanding. I hope you enjoy your dinner with Doctor Gordon.”

“Thank you dear, I plan on it.”

Chapter Eleven

Josephine was ready and waiting when Ancil arrived for their dinner date. Yet she stayed in her room until Charlotte answered the door and announced his arrival. She immediately noticed he’d paid a visit to the barber. His hair looked trimmed and he wore pleasant smelling cologne.

“Do you enjoy Italian?” he asked as they descended the staircase to the hotel lobby.

“Yes. I spent two months in Rome many years ago. I became fond of the region’s food.”

“Have you traveled extensively?”

“I’ve enjoyed two trips to Europe. Once in my youth and two years ago with my d-niece Mariah.”


She saw questioning in his eyes as the waiter showed them to a table.

“Rebecca’s sister. I mentioned her the other day. She passed on last Christmas.”

“Yes, I remember. I’m sorry for your loss, Josephine.” He pulled out a chair for her.

“Thank you, Ancil.”

The waiter handed them both menus and poured water in two glasses. “I’ll give you a moment to decide what you’ll have.”

Josephine made her choice and laid the menu on the table in front of her. She casually glanced around the dining room, noting the change in décor to resemble an Italian Bistro. Tables were draped with red and white plaid tablecloths. A display of Chianti bottles wrapped in twine lined one wall and a single violinist roamed the dining area playing an exotic tune, entertaining the guests. In her perusal of the room, she recognized a few faces as others staying at the hotel. The rest she knew from around town. She’d come to enjoy her visit to Jackson and for many reasons she wasn’t looking forward to leaving. However, Constance Fletcher and her followers could make it impossible for her to stay.

“Is something wrong, Josephine?” Ancil asked, concern a little too heavy in his voice. To her surprise, he reached across the table for her hand. His touch was light, but warm.

“Why do you ask?”

“Your walk today. You were clearly preoccupied with something or you wouldn’t have ended up at my house.”

Josephine sighed and nodded. “Ancil, do you believe that a church official would bend to the desires of one parishioner over the good of the whole congregation?”

He drummed his fingers on the table top before answering. “I’ve seen it happen before, but the outcome was not good. Why?”

“I’m not one to spread gossip or even start it. I’m concerned by what I’ve heard though. Do you think Father Bohannon is the type who would?”

“Father Bohannon is a good man. He is faithful in his service to the Lord. I’ve known him as long as I’ve lived in Jackson.”

“That’s the opinion I have of him as well, but I haven’t known him that long so you see why I would ask.”

He nodded.

The waiter returned and took their order. When he left, she asked, “How well do you know Constance Fletcher?”

“Quite well. Her mother married my father when I was a young man.”

Josephine’s mouth suddenly felt dry and she was sure her cheeks had flushed at his revelation. Constance Fletcher was his step-sister. The thought was extremely unnerving. She reached for her glass of water and took a long drink. “I had no idea,” she finally said.

“Few make the connection without being told.”

The waiter returned quickly and set down their food, refilled their water glasses and left without a word.

“Has Constance done something?” Ancil asked.

She didn’t want to admit she’d been handed an ultimatum, but she couldn’t pretend nothing had happened either. “Constance and her friends have their opinion on how certain people should carry on with their lives. In the same accord, they feel others should not associate with those who live outside social barriers. If they do, then they should be banned from attending church or participating with church functions.”

“Like the auxiliary?” he asked.

She nodded.

“Constance opposes Jared Hollingsworth’s preference of using hired labor and she has seen Rebecca with him, am I correct?”

Josephine blinked and put down her fork. How had he suspected the reasons for her questions? She wiped her mouth on her napkin feeling less Copyright 2016 - 2024