Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,37

was always so slow. She refolded the letter and tucked it safely inside her purse. Her pulse quickened. She’d finally meet the illusive Mr. R. Hollingsworth.

Excited, she headed back to the hotel to begin making plans for her return to Memphis. By the time she returned from her trip, Elizabeth would be home from her wedding tour. She looked forward to hearing her friend’s romantic musings. Perhaps Elizabeth could give her advice on handling the situation with Jared.

Rebecca quietly entered the suite so not to wake Lucas if he were napping. The scent of lavender filled the air. She could hear Lucas’ gurgles and Charlotte reciting a nursery rhyme to him in the servant’s quarters.

“I’m back,” she called.

“Rebecca, I’ll be finished with my bath shortly. I need to speak with you if you have a moment,” Josephine’s voice rose from behind the dressing screen. “How is Mrs. Paxton?”

“She’s doing well. Little William is adorable.”

“What do the girls think of him?”

She grinned, recalling how they’d doted on him. “They adore him, especially the youngest one.”

“That’s nice. Will you hand me a towel? I left it lying on the bed.”

She crossed the room and picked up the downy towel. She noticed a dress she hadn’t seen before on the bed. Josephine had been shopping again. “Are you going somewhere?”

“I’ve been invited to dinner this evening. Will you be able to get along without me?”

She handed the towel around the screen. “Certainly. Will you need a chaperone? Should I send Charlotte with you?”

“Absolutely not!” Josephine exclaimed, and then more calmly spoke. “I mean…there really isn’t a need for a chaperone. I’ll be downstairs in the dining room.”

“With anyone I know?”


“So, you’re going to the Italian extravaganza with Doctor Gordon?”

“Don’t sound so smug. It isn’t becoming of a lady.”

“I’m glad the doctor has finally taken notice. I’d hate to see you throw yourself at him.”

“Rebecca Kathleen Davis!”

The splashing sound of her getting out of the tub covered up the later mumblings. “I have never thrown myself at a man and I do not appreciate you even uttering those words. I’m a God fearing Catholic woman who has worked hard to walk in the right path…”

“And I expect the same from you.” Rebecca finished the litany she’d heard more times than she could count. Josephine threw her wet towel at her.

Rebecca laughed so hard her side began to hurt. “I was only teasing.”

“I don’t find the subject funny.” Josephine stepped from behind the screen in her robe and glared at Rebecca. “Shut the door. I need to speak to you in private.”

She did what Josephine asked and perched on the edge of the bed. “I apologize for making light of your reputation.”

“Making light of your reputation can lead to serious consequences,” Josephine began.

“I’m sorry for doing so.”

“Rebecca, I’m not talking about my reputation, but yours. After you left a few of the women from the Ladies’ Auxiliary paid a call. They saw you getting into Mr. Hollingsworth’s carriage without a chaperone.”

Rebecca winced. She decided to explain her actions before Josephine assumed the worst.

“I ran into him on my way to hire a carriage, and he offered me a ride. Since I was going to Oak Hill I didn’t see why it would hurt joining him.”

“The ladies informed me that Mr. Hollingsworth’s reputation is not stellar. In fact, they find him unsuitable as a suitor,” Josephine explained crossing her arms. “I, on the other hand, do not hold the same opinion. In fact, I find more favor with him for standing firmly on his principles using hired labor than bending to society’s rules.”

Rebecca nodded. “And he’s ostracized by the other plantation owners for it.”

“Exactly. It’s a pity. I think he’d make you a suitable match. But there could be consequences if you are inclined to pursue it. There will be talk and heaven help us if they should somehow learn about Mariah and Lucas’ parentage.”

She blinked, not believing her ears. Had Josephine just declared her approval of Jared? She turned away and tried not to show how pained she was to learn of her aunt’s favor with him. It made her refusal to his proposal even harder to bear. She quickly sought a way to change the subject.

“I—I’ll be making a trip back to Memphis tomorrow evening to take care of some financial business with my attorney. Since I’ll be returning for the remainder of our stay, I don’t see any reason to put you and Lucas through the journey. Will you mind staying in town?”

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