Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,26

didn’t understand what made her lose all propriety when she was around him. They’d just met, but she’d simply die if he didn’t feel anything for her. She felt like a silly goose allowing herself to hope that he did. She stepped closer to him and laid her hand on his chest.

He blinked and she saw the surprise in his eyes that she’d touched him.

“Do you like me, Jared?”

Her unexpected touch seared his flesh and he hesitated a moment trying to read her thoughts before he answered. “Yes. I like you. Why do you ask?”

He could feel the rise and fall of her breasts as she stood so close to him. Her emerald eyes were dark and her lips were pink, inviting him to taste them if he dared.

My God yes, I like you. Inwardly he groaned, but did he dare to confess his desire to her?

“Come with me.” He entwined his fingers with hers and led her quickly into the library past the many bookshelves of leather bound volumes. He walked over to an alcove for privacy. Turning around, he pulled her close until she was pressed against him. “I like you far more than I should for the time I’ve known you, Rebecca.”

She swallowed. “You do?”

With his free hand he cupped her cheek, caressing it gently. He rubbed the pad of his rough thumb over her lips. They trembled in response and he lowered his head, nibbling at her mouth with small kisses until she responded in kind. Without warning, he parted her lips with his tongue and captured her mouth, exploring its depths.

Her hand crept up his arm to his neck, holding his head so he couldn’t pull away. Her fingers speared through his damp hair, sending shivers down his spine.

His body hardened and he groaned, pulling away before he lost his head completely. He walked toward the French doors on the opposite side of the library afraid she might see what had started out as an innocent kiss had done to him. He didn’t want to frighten her, or make her think he was on the verge of losing control.

Startled by her reckless behavior, Rebecca calmed her breathing and admired Jared as he stood facing the French doors. She didn’t know what had gotten into her asking such a question. But she’d received her answer. It frightened—yet excited her—that he felt the same about her after only meeting a few days ago.

She smiled and wondered if it could finally be happening for her. Had she met the man with whom she’d spend the rest of her life?

Still staring at him, she noticed how nicely he filled out his clothes and her naughty mind went to wandering again. She recalled his kiss and her knees trembled. She never imagined a kiss could drain her of her strength. But then, she’d never kissed a man before, and not just any man, a man like Jared Hollingsworth.

You’re supposed to be a widow. A widow with a child who has had experience kissing a husband, sharing his bed, making love to him and bearing him a child.

Silently, she groaned at the thought of her lie to Jared and she worried that she’d revealed herself by her reaction to his kiss. Had that been the reason he’d pulled away? Had he suspected her inexperience?

As if sensing she stared at him, he turned and held out his hand to her. She walked toward him, moistening her bruised lips with the tip of her tongue. He pulled her close against his chest, lifting her hand to his mouth. He brushed his lips across her knuckles and shut his eyes.

Rebecca’s cheeks warmed. Was he as shaken by their kiss as she? Closing her eyes, she breathed in his manly scent. She wanted to stay in his arms for the rest of her life, but that was a dream. She couldn’t abandon Lucas.

What about Ruth? Have you forgotten about her?

Frustrated by the thought, she tensed. Why was getting this poor woman to her family becoming such a problem? Her attempts to complete the mission had been halted by one factor or another. He hadn’t even acknowledged her last missive. How much longer could she wait before pursuing the mission at hand?

She took a deep breath. “Jared?” Her voice cracked as she spoke his name.

“Yes?” He slowly opened his eyes. His warm smile of contentment nearly took her breath away.

“I think it’s time we started discussing our plans for Ruth. I must get her out of Copyright 2016 - 2024