Because of Rebecca - By Leanne Tyler Page 0,25

check on Isabella and the babe before heading back to town.”

Nodding, Josephine watched the doctor leave, and silently exhaled. He’d called her by her Christian name. Never had she found the sound of her name more lyrical than when he spoke it.

“Would you like more coffee, Miss Davis?” Mary asked, drawing her attention away from her thoughts.

“No, thank you. I believe I’ve had enough.” Josephine sat back in her chair, clasped her hands in her lap and relaxed. She watched the young girls enjoy their breakfast. The oldest, Harmony, reminded her of Mariah at that age.

She sighed, and continued to watch the girls until Mary shooed them off to the kitchen to help make cookies, leaving the adults alone. Emptiness filled Josephine when they left and she realized she missed Mariah dearly. The poor girl had lost her life too young without learning the truth. A truth Josephine wasn’t certain she could ever confess.

Shaking her head, she turned her attention where Rebecca and Mr. Hollingsworth were exchanging quiet conversation on the other end of the table.

“Mr. Hollingsworth, I noticed you have a lovely flower garden. Would you mind terribly if I leave you and Rebecca to finish your breakfast and go for a walk?”

Jared looked up and smiled. “Please feel free to enjoy the garden to your heart’s content, Miss Davis. We’ll join you shortly.”

“Thank you.” Josephine stood and touched Rebecca on the shoulder before she left them.

Once her aunt was out of the room, Rebecca covered her sudden laugh with her hand.

“What’s so funny?” Jared asked.

“I think my aunt is smitten,” she said in a low voice.

“Smitten?” He frowned.

“With Doctor Gordon.”

“Ancil Gordon?”

“Yes.” Rebecca held in her exasperation. “Haven’t you noticed a difference in her since you first met her?”

He nodded. “Yes, but I thought it was because her headaches had gone away. I never would have imagined she fancied Doctor Gordon.”

“I know. Isn’t it miraculous?”

He furrowed his brows. “Do you think the feeling is mutual?”

Rebecca toyed with her napkin. “I’m not sure. Didn’t you see him watching her over his coffee cup?”

“You mean to say you were spying on them?” Jared’s warm smile was infectious and she returned it with one of her own.

“Of course,” she admitted. “She is my aunt. She’s lived a guarded life for far too long. I’d hate to see her feelings hurt the first time she’s ever allowed herself to show interest in a male companion that I know.”

“As would I.” He covered her hand with his own. The heat from his touch radiated up her arm and filled her chest with warmth. Their eyes met and he held her gaze with his own far longer than he should.

Rebecca felt her cheeks flush warm and she looked away lest he see the effect his touch, both physical and visual, had on her. She didn’t understand the perplexing effect he had on her either. Sometimes she felt as if she’d burn to an ember on the inside from an innocent touch or glance.

Jared pushed his chair away from the table. “Would you like to have a tour of the house?”

“Yes,” she said far too eagerly, but she...they...needed a distraction, if he felt anything like she did when they were alone.

She waited as he stood, pulled back her chair, and offered her his arm before leading her into the foyer. His golden hair still hung in wet curls around the collar of his crisp white shirt. Standing this close she could not help but inhale the clean, spiced soap scent and heat threatened to flame her cheeks once more as she imagined him in his bath.

“Let’s start upstairs. I’d like to show you the library. It was my mother’s favorite room in the house. She loved to read. The shelves are stocked with all her first editions of the classics.”

Rebecca smiled, her heart beating faster with each step. She naughtily thought about him bathing, water glistening on his rock hard body. Even though he was dressed, she couldn’t stop sneaking a look at him. She imagined his skin was just as tanned underneath his clothing as above. He no doubt removed his shirt when working in the hot fields, letting the sun bake him. Her desire to touch him was strong. Her mouth felt dry and her heart beat a little faster.

She missed her footing on the next step and stumbled forward, but he caught her, helping her right herself.

“Are you all right?” he asked when they reached the landing.

Embarrassed, she looked away and nodded. She Copyright 2016 - 2024