Because of Low Page 0,9

as he slipped a key into my hand and closed my fist over it. "I'll be able to relax knowing you have a key. Please take it."

I didn't respond. I wasn't sure what to say. The fact was I wanted that key. It gave me a warped sense of reassurance that I would be able to see Marcus even more frequently.

Within seconds he was softly snoring in my ear. I lay there staring at the ceiling. Fate wasn't fair. It loved playing cruel jokes on me. Marcus Hardy was its new joke.

I hadn't expected Marcus to be awake when I walked out of Cage's bedroom at seven in the morning. And I really hadn't expected him to be standing at the stove cooking eggs and bacon.

"Good morning," I couldn't help but smile at how cute he looked cooking in a pair of sweats and t-shirt that covered his yummy chest I'd had a peek at last night.

"I didn't want you going to class hungry. So, I figured since I was up I'd go ahead and fix you something." My heart melted a little. No one had ever made me breakfast. Not even my mother. Oh fate really did suck. Why did this amazing wonderful sexy guy have to be a freaking Hardy? Why couldn't he be one of the guys from my neighborhood? Someone who understood the life I'd lived and didn't judge me or see me differently because of it.

"That's really sweet."

He grinned and reached for a plate.

"Then I believe my mission is accomplished." Laughing softly so I didn't wake up Cage, I walked over and took the plate he was offering to me.

"I made coffee too. How do you drink it?" This was really too good to be true. I glanced back at the bedroom door and wondered if I was actually still curled up in bed asleep. This was more dream like than real world.

"Sugar? Cream?" his voice broke into my thoughts and I turned my gaze back to him and smiled.

"Both please, two teaspoons of sugar. And thank you, really. No one's ever made me breakfast before. I'm kind of at a loss for words."

His smile deepened and there was something in his eyes I hoped I wasn't imagining. The interest was there. I could see it. Was it because he thought I was easy?

"You're welcome and if you keep looking at me like that I may become your personal chef."

I covered the giggle I couldn't control. He was quite possibly the most charming guy I'd ever met.

His eyes got serious a moment and I watched as he reached out and touched my cheek almost reverently.

"I really like your dimples," he whispered.

The heat rose up my neck so fast and flooded my face I knew I had to look like a red berry. I hated my fair skin.

"Go sit down and eat Low, please."

I obeyed without question.

I was on my second bite of eggs when he sat down across from me at the table.

"What class do you have today?"

I swallowed and took a drink of coffee to wash it down before responding.


He grinned, "If you need any help, math is my thing." I needed help but I doubted I'd be able to stop smelling him and ogling him long enough to pay attention to the words coming out of his mouth.


He nodded and took a drink of his coffee.

"Are you coming back tonight?" He asked after a few minutes. I wanted him to be asking because he wanted to see me. But I also knew I needed to get those thoughts under control before I set myself up to get hurt.

"Not sure but I doubt it. I'm probably going to stay at my sister's," I didn't want to elaborate but I was due a night since I'd kept Larissa yesterday. Besides I couldn't move into Cage's bed.

A frown creased his forehead and he appeared to be thinking about something that bothered him.

"You know I don't mind you being here. If you need to stay here I'm completely cool with it. This is Cage's place after all."

I smiled and swallowed my last bite of bacon.

"Thank you but that isn't why. I can't just move in here. It would crimp Cage's life and he'd eventually get annoyed with me. He doesn't see it that way but I don't want to wear out my welcome."

Marcus shook his head, "You won't wear out your welcome.

I'm positive Cage would never want you somewhere else.

He's very protective of you."

I smiled and stood Copyright 2016 - 2024