Because of Low Page 0,8

tears. As if reading my mind she scooted over toward me and laid her head on my shoulder.

"I hope you don't mind but I'm a cuddler when I watch movies."

I almost choked on my words. "Uh, no I don't mind." Even though she'd closed the distance I forced my arm to remain on the back of the sofa and not find its way to her hair.

"I didn't even get a romantic comedy. I thought about you when I rented it and you don't appear to be a romantic comedy type of guy. I went for Sci-Fi instead." With her snuggled up against me on the couch I would watch the damn Princess Diaries I abhorred since my sister had forced me to watch it over and over when she was little.

"Sci-fi is good," I assured her knowing I wouldn't be able to focus on anything with the sweet smell that reminded me of honeysuckles wafting up from her hair.
Chapter Three


"Low," Marcus voice whispered in my ear. I snuggled closer to the sound and breathed deeply. He smelled so good I wanted to curl up inside his clothes.

"Low, you need to wake up," his voice said a little louder. I stretched and opened my eyes. It took a second for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. But the first thing I saw was the very defined six pack of Marcus Hardy's stomach peeking out from underneath the dark blue t-shirt he was wearing. My next realization was my head was in his lap.

"I'm sorry I had to wake you but it's after two and I figured you might want to get to bed before Cage gets home." The warm cotton of his shirt was clasp tightly in my fist. I stared at my hand and quickly released the grip I'd had on his shirt. What the heck? Had I been trying to undress him in my sleep? God, I hoped not.

I sat up and a yawn escaped.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep on you," I mumbled feeling my cheeks grow warm.

He grinned and his green eyes twinkled with mischief,

"Don't be. I don't know when I've enjoyed a night this much." I ducked my head and bit my lip to keep a silly grin from breaking out on my face.

"Me too, well except when I fell asleep." His deep chuckle sent a warmth through me I didn't recognize. It wasn't something I was familiar with but it was nice. More than nice. It could be addicting.

"You'd better get to bed. You've got that early class," he said softly.

I nodded then stood up and made my way to Cage's bedroom door. Turning back before I disappeared inside I called out, "Good night."

"Good night Low," his deep voice rumbled in the darkness.

"Hey baby, I'm home and I'm clean. I scrubbed in the shower and used half a bottle of mouth wash," Cage murmured as he crawled into bed beside me. I forced open my sleepy eyes to see the sunrise on the horizon. I nodded and rolled over to get another hour of sleep before I needed to get up.

"I'm sorry I stayed out all night. I didn't mean to," he whispered reaching out and clasping my hand in his. I didn't allow him to snuggle up to me in bed. It never ended well.

He'd get a hard on and start trying to feel me up. We'd tried a few times and I always ended up frustrated with him and threatening to sleep on the floor. I didn't want things to get heated with us. Cage was my family. He'd never be anything more.

"S'okay," I muttered

"Did you have a good evening? I saw you made pizza and left me a few slices in the fridge."

I nodded against the pillow.

"Did Marcus eat with you?"

I nodded again.

"He isn't like us Low. You know that right." I knew what Cage was saying. Marcus was out of my league. He didn't want me thinking there could ever be anything between me and his roommate. I was low class.

Marcus was a rich kid.

"I'm not stupid Cage."

"No you're fucking brilliant. And a guy like Marcus would never get just how fucking perfect and brilliant you are. He'd never see past the other stuff."

I wanted to be mad at him but I knew he was right. If Marcus ever saw what I came from, what I was, he'd never give me the time of day.

"I know," I whispered into the dark.

"I love you Low"

"I love you too"

"Then take this," he said Copyright 2016 - 2024