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at my other tables to check on them. I needed to get another bottle of tartar sauce, a glass of water, and some lemons.

And I still had Marcus's drink in my hands. I had to get this over with.

He was leaning back in the booth watching me as I approached. I'd felt his gaze on me while I'd check on the other customers. It was a miracle I hadn't tripped and fell from my nervous reaction to his attention.

"Here ya go," I placed the tea on the table in front of him.

"You ready to order?"

"The blackened grouper sounds good," he replied. I wanted to curl up in his lap. How ridiculous was that? Just hearing him talk had me needing to touch him and feel his arms around me again. Ugh!

"Do you not recommend that?"

I snapped out of my internal obsessing and looked at him,


Marcus grinned at me and my insides went all crazy.

"You're frowning. I was wondering if I'd ordered the wrong thing?"

My face instantly warmed and I shook my head staring down at my order pad in an attempt to hide my blushing.

"Oh, no. That's really good. The grouper is nice and fresh."

"Do you suggest I try those sweet potato fries?"

"Well, they're different, um, maybe you should stick with the regular fries."

Marcus nodded and handed me the menu, "Regular fries it is then."

I reached to take his menu and fought the urge to look at him. I knew he was watching me. If I lifted my head our eyes would meet. I wasn't that strong yet. Maybe one day I would be. But I needed time. Slipping the menu under my arm, I hurried back to the kitchen. I needed another breather.

After handing Marcus his check I'd once again scurried back to the safety of the kitchen. I slumped against the back wall behind the industrial sized dishwasher and let out a frustrated groan. This had been torture. Marcus had been friendly and talkative. He'd watched my every move as if I were the most fascinating thing he'd ever seen. I was a ball of nerves. Twice girls, I didn't know who obviously knew him, had come up to him and done everything they could to coax him to go out dancing with them. He'd brushed them off. Harshly. I'd loved it. Each time I'd lost the battle and glanced over at his booth, his eyes had been locked on me.

Even when he'd had uninvited guest his gaze never seemed to waiver.

"Low, your friend left a tip and a box with your name written rather impressively for a guy on the table." Unable to mask my curiosity, I rushed back to the booth where Marcus had been seated. He'd left a fifty dollar Bill to pay for his twenty dollar meal. Frowning, I pocketed the money and picked up the package he'd left. I ran my finger over my name. I recognized his neat handwriting.

"Hey, Seth. I'll be right back," I called out as I headed for the back door. I needed privacy. Once I was outside safely hidden out of the way, I opened it.

It was a 2006 Guns & Roses Chinese Democracy t-shirt, signed by all the members of the band. A small note was tucked inside of it and I caught it just before it fell onto the muddy gravel.

Will ow,

There's a story behind this shirt. I actually went to this concert opening night in Miami. It has been one of my prized possessions ever since. It's special because it was the only thing my dad ever took me to. He knew how bad I wanted to go. I'd just turned fifteen and he came to my room one night with two tickets. They weren't just any tickets.

They were backstage passes. He'd used every connection he could to get his hands on those tickets. It's the only fond memory I have of my dad. Maybe that's why it was so special.

Anyway, I want you to have it. I'd like to see it on you instead of stuck back in a drawer in my dresser. It's one of the good parts of me and I'd like to know it's in your hands.

I love you. I always will.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Larissa kicked happily in the pool as she bobbed in the shallow end with a life jacket on. Dad had called to let me know they were at the condo for the week and Larissa would like to see me. I wanted to see her too. He and Tawny Copyright 2016 - 2024