Because of Low Page 0,75

two long strides and knelt down on the floor in front of me. I could smell him. So good. So clean. My Marcus.

"Low, I swear you can trust me, please. I miss you. I ache for you. I need you Low. Please baby please." A sob rattled my chest and I shook my head. "I can't." He dropped his head to my knees and we sat there while silent tears fell. I reached out and touched his hair.

Remembering the feel of him. I relished in the smell of him as it surrounded me. Finally he raised his head slowly and looked at me one last time before standing and walking away. When the door closed behind him, I curled up on the couch and cried until I didn't have any more tears to cry.
Chapter Twenty-Four

I'd seen glimpses of Will ow at the bar. She never came in for long. Normally it was because she was at work and needed something from the supply room. She always smiled. It was friendly. That was it. Looking for her had become my only past time. I was beginning to wonder if I was becoming a stalker. The only thing that kept me sane was she wasn't with another guy. She was rarely with Cage.

She lived with him but he wasn't there often, I'd heard. He was making up for lost time apparently.

I glanced around the restaurant nervously, looking for Low. I needed to get a seat in her section before she came walking out into the dinning room. Otherwise there was a good chance she'd have the hostess seat me somewhere else. I followed the short brunette back to a booth she assured me was one of Will ow's tonight.

"Low should be with you in just a moment," the girl's high pitched voice startled me.

I nodded, "Thanks," and quickly took a seat placing the small package I had brought in with me in the seat and out of view. I didn't want her to have a chance to refuse it. I intended to leave it on the table when I left. That way if she was determined to reject my gift she'd have to come find me first.

She stepped around the corner looking down at the small pad in her hand. A pencil was stuck behind her ear and her hair was pulled up into a messy bun on the back of her head. I missed her so much. I watched as she lifted her head. Those large expressive green eyes that haunted my dreams locked on me and she stumbled. The urge to jump up and go touch her was unbearable. I forced myself to remain in my seat but my eyes ate her up as she composed herself and continued over to my booth.

"Marcus," she said smiling nervously.

"hello Low," I replied. The sweet honey suckle scent that clung to her filled the small booth.

"Are you, uh, waiting on someone?"

I shook my head and grinned, "Nope. Just me." The relief on her face gave me hope.

"Oh, okay. In that case, what can I get you to drink?"

"I'd like some sweet tea please."

Will ow reached for the pencil tucked behind her ear and quickly jotted it down. I'd never seen her write down drink orders before. Could my presence have her that rattled that she needed to write down sweet tea? God I hoped so.

"Okay, I'll be right back," she flashed me a smile that didn't meet her eyes and quickly spun around and headed directly for the kitchen. She didn't stop at any of her other tables to check on them. Will ow needed a moment. Because of me.

For the first time in weeks I was able to take a deep breath.

Just maybe, I could reach her again. Those damn thick walls she'd erected around her heart terrified me.


I can do this. I can do this. I CAN do this.

"You okay Low?" Seth asked stopping beside me with a tray of drinks.

"Um, yeah, I'm good. Just needed a breather," I forced yet another smile and reached for the sweet tea I'd fixed for Marcus.

Seth nodded and headed back out the door into the dinning room. I needed to do the same. I ran my hand over my hair and smoothed my apron down then rolled my eyes at my ridiculous behavior. This was Marcus. He'd shattered my heart. I did not care what he thought of me. My appearance was of no consequence.

I headed back out into the dinning room and stopped Copyright 2016 - 2024