Because of Low Page 0,51

tell you that I completely understand."

I guess he could. Weird. He wasn't all that bad.

"Sadie's really happy for you. She's talked nonstop about Will ow since she met her. I know all about how sweet you are with her and how you look at her like no one else is in the room. All kinds of sappy crap."

That made me laugh. "I can't imagine it bothered you too much. If I'm all sappy with another girl then your girl is safe." Jax smirked, "I'm the one she loves. I wasn't worried." He was right. Besides I didn't care. Not anymore.


My ears were ringing when we left the concert. But it didn't diminish my excitement. I had my first concert t-shirt that I'd actually earned, clutched tightly in my hand as Marcus sat me up in the truck. I watched him as he made his way around the front of the truck to get inside.

around the front of the truck to get inside.

"Well, what did ya think?"

"I loved it! Thank you for bringing me." He leaned over and kissed me hungrily, which I hadn't been expecting. When he finished he nipped at my bottom lip then released me. I was a little breathless.

"I've been wanting to do that for the past two hours," he explained with a sexy grin before cranking up the truck.

Wow. Today couldn't get any better.

I lay my head back and rested my eyes.

"Wake up sleeping beauty, we're home," Marcus whispered in my ear jolting me awake.

I'd slept the whole way back. Dangit. I'd wanted to spend time talking to Marcus. We'd been unable to do much talking today.

"I'm sorry I feel asleep."

"Don't be. I got to watch you sleep for over an hour. I liked it."

He always made me feel so special.

"Okay, but that sounds boring."

He gently bit my earlobe then whispered, "Trust me it wasn't"

I shivered and his breath hitched.

"Let's go on inside," his voice sounded tense.

I quickly scrambled out of the truck. If we were going to continue this inside I was more than willing.

Marcus walked around and grabbed my hand pulling me up beside him as we made our way up to the apartment.

Once inside I headed over to the fridge to get a Jarrito. I was thirsty. Opening the bottom drawer I realized there weren't anymore. Only beer. Cage never ran out of my drinks. But they were gone. He was letting me go. A small bubble of fear welled up inside me. I closed the fridge and stared blankly at the stainless steel in front of me. What if he moved on and left me? What would happen when Marcus left me? I'd be alone. Cage was my safe haven. My heart started racing and I looked toward his bedroom door panicked. Where was he? He hadn't texted me all day to tell me what he was doing or to check on me.

"Low, you okay?" Marcus asked. I wanted to nod my head but I couldn't. The panic in my chest was starting to take over. It had been a long time since I'd had an anxiety attack but I was about to have a full blown one right here and there wasn't a thing I could do to stop it. Cage hadn't remembered my Jarritos. He was letting me go. I'd asked him to and he was doing it. Marcus wouldn't be around forever.

"Low, look at me," Marcus turned me around to face him but I couldn't meet his eyes. I'd lose it. Deep breaths. I had to focus on taking deep breaths.

"Low look at me please baby, look at me," he pleaded and I wanted to ease his concern but I couldn't. Right now I had to breathe. In and out, in and out, in and out.

"What the hell, Low," Cage's voice. "Move," he barked and I wanted to stop him but he was leaving me. "Low snap out of it. Come on. Snap out of it for me. Focus on me Low and tell me what happened." Cage's voice was stern. He'd been with me through these before. He'd stop it. I turned my eyes up at him

"Jarritos," I choked out and tears stung my eyes. Gasping for air, I focused on my breathing again.

"Ah, shit Low. I got some more. See there right here in this bag."

I saw the familiar bottles through the plastic bag. He bought some. He wasn't leaving. I was safe. I wasn't alone.

Nodding I took a deep breath.

"Kay," I replied in a whisper. The Copyright 2016 - 2024