Because of Low Page 0,50

glad. follow me, I want Jax to meet Will ow before he goes out. He's had a little girl and her mother in there the past thirty minutes. It's a long story but we met her at Sea Breeze Foods this summer and she recognized him even though he was incognito. He gave her his personal card and a promise to get her backstage passes for his concert here. Then he ended up canceling that concert due to some things with me and my family. Anyway, this is his makeup concert and he wanted to make it extra special for her since she has had to wait so long."

"How sweet," Low said a little too dreamily for my taste.

Shut up Sadie.

Tightening my grip on her hand Will ow glanced up at me and her excited expression squelched my moment of jealousy.

"Here we are," Sadie said and patted the bodyguard moving out of our way on the arm.

"Thanks Ryan," she said and the angry giant actually grinned a little then went back to scowling.

"I'm back and I have company," Sadie said walking into the massive room that reminded me of a hotel suite. Jax stood up from the large black leather chair he'd been lounging in and flashed his rockstar smile at Will ow and I hated him all over again. Why the hell had I brought her here?

"Marcus," he nodded in greeting.

"Jax," I replied trying real hard not to sound annoyed.

"And you must be Will ow. I've heard quite a bit about you the past twenty four hours."

Sadie had been talking to Jax about Will ow. Things started to fall together as to why we were here. And I liked what I was beginning to understand.

"Oh, wow. Um," Will ow stammered. Jax made her nervous and suddenly I was annoyed again.

"He has that effect on people," Sadie joked and walked over toward him. He wrapped his arm around her pulling her against him and kissed the top of her head. That made me feel better.

"I can imagine," Will ow replied tightening her grip on my hand. She was nervous. I wanted to fix it but I wasn't sure how to help her relax.

"So Will ow, do you like my music or did you come because Marcus made you," Jax asked a teasing tone to his voice.

"Oh, I like it. I actually didn't know where we were going. He was vague," she glanced up at me smiling, "But I figured it out when we came through security."

Jax found that amusing.

"Well, that's a relief. Sadie hated my music when I met her.

I'm a little gun shy with southern girls now."

"Jax Stone your ego is just fine," Sadie chided and walked over to the bar.

"Come have a seat Will ow. I'll fix us something to drink.

Why don't you show Marcus around backstage Jax." Jax raised his eyebrows at me. He knew as well as I did that this was Sadie's way of mending fences between Jax and me. Turning my attention to Will ow whose death grip on my hand had eased up, "You okay with that? I'll stay with you if you want," I whispered in her ear in case she wanted me to stay.

She nodded and kissed my cheek, "I'm fine. Sadie doesn't make me nervous."

Figures. Stupid rock god.

I squeezed her hand and laid a kiss on her mouth before looking back up at a very pleased Jax.

"You ready," he asked.

I nodded and followed him out the door.

The moment we walked out the door another body guard appeared and walked behind us. I was used to this. I'd worked for the guy long enough.

"This is where we shake hands and call a truce I believe," Jax said opening a door and leading me into a large room where band members were all lounging around with drinks laughing and talking to girls draped all over them.

"I guess so."

A girl walked up to us with two bottled waters on a tray. Jax took both of them handing one to me.

"I'll get you something stronger if you want. I just don't drink before a concert or much at all. Sadie isn't crazy about it."

"Naw, this is good."

"You don't even notice Sadie anymore. I like that." I chuckled. I imagine he does. "I bet." Jax grinned and took a long swig of water. "You in love yet?"

I thought about his question and this morning. "Yeah I think I might be. Kind of happened fast. But she's hard to resist."

"Been there man and I can honestly Copyright 2016 - 2024