Because of Low Page 0,38

our bodies and she was pushing me away. Releasing her I stepped back.

The sweet face that had been smiling up at me earlier tonight was gone. It was replaced by a very angry scowl.

And her face was tear streaked. Why had she been crying?

Oh. I'd forgotten why she'd left in the first place. Jess.

"Low listen. You don't---"

"No Marcus you listen. I realize I may not be the kind of girl you normally take on dates. I don't run in your family's social circle and well let's face it I don't have a swimsuit model body. But I have feelings too. Probably much more sensitive than the gorgeous females you normally date. IF

you want to go off with some other girl you should at least alert your current date and find her someone to take her home. Don't leave her there to look like a fool. It's not nice!" She pushed past me and started stalking toward the stairs.

I stood dumbfounded watching her.

"Low," I called out running after her. She stopped and then slowly turned around.


"I would've never left you. For anyone. I was an idiot. I made a mistake. I should've told you about the dogs and helping Jess get to her car. But honestly I was just thinking about the distraction it would be and I really needed a distraction because you had me so freakin' worked up I could hardly walk."

Taking a deep breath I waited while she weighed my explanation. I'd keep begging if she needed more. I was not opposed to getting on my knees if it would stop her.


I wanted to laugh in relief.

"Yes dogs. Stray dogs were blocking Jess's path between the door out back and her car. She couldn't find Rock. I wouldn't have even gone and helped her if I hadn't needed a little more time before I got near you again." A small frown puckered her forehead.

"When you say worked up?" she paused

"I mean, hard as a rock Low."

A small smile spread across her face. I didn't wait for her to say anything else. I closed the distance between us and grabbed her face in my hands before crushing my mouth to hers. She made a small little sound of surprise but then her hands ran up my arms and gripped my shoulders. She was harder to reach standing barefoot. Those heels had helped out a lot earlier. Reaching down I grabbed her waist and picked her up until she wrapped her legs around my waist.

Oh. Yeah.


It dawned on me that Marcus was opening the door just as he backed us up inside the dark apartment. I'd been so lost in his kiss I missed the fact he'd walked up the stairs carrying me. I opened my eyes long enough to see him walk over to the couch and sink down onto it with me straddling him. Pulling back he stared at me intently.

"We're going to have to stop soon. I'm about at my limit," his voice was raspy.

"Limit?" I asked before raining kisses down the side of his jaw and neck.

"Ah, my limit Low. You know," he was having trouble talking and it made me feel powerful. Feeling brave I flicked my tongue out and quickly licked at his neck. He smelled so good. Moaning he shifted under me until his erection was pressed against the crotch of my panties. The sensation was too much and I cried out in shock and pleasure.

"And that's my limit," Marcus said pushing me off him and standing up. I started to think I'd done something wrong again but the way he was breathing like he'd just ran a marathon I figured that must be good.

"What's wrong?" I asked staring up at him wanting him to just come back down here. I'd found something I really liked.

Marcus closed his eyes tightly and let out a loud groan.

"Low, baby please pull your dress down," he pleaded.

Glancing down I noticed my dress had ridden up around my waist.

"Oops," I said giggling and pulling it back down.

Marcus let out a small laugh and then met my questioning gaze.

"Low tonight was amazing. Except for the part where I hurt you and you ran away and scared the bejesus out of me.

Being with you is incredible. I want to do it again.

Tomorrow. And the next day," I laughed and he grinned then continued, "You get the idea. But here's the thing. I don't want to move too fast with you. I'm going to have to work on that because Copyright 2016 - 2024