Because of Low Page 0,37

to your date," Jess grumbled.

"Yep I think you're safe," I replied and headed inside the back door. There had never been any dogs. Of that I was certain. But at least I wasn't sporting the woody from hell anymore. I stopped by the bar and picked up our drinks then headed for the table. Preston and Dewayne were alone and the severe looks on their faces made me halt in my steps.


I'm an idiot.

Slamming the drinks down on the table I studied both their faces and I knew. Without asking I knew.

"When did she leave?" I managed to ask over the sick knot in my stomach.

"Right after you walked off holding hands with Jess," Preston replied.

"Said she was getting air but we all know that means she's jetting," Dewayne piped up.

"Why did you not do something?" I barely contained the roar in my chest.

Preston shrugged looking somewhat sorrowful, "I did man. I told her it probably wasn't what it looked like." told her it probably wasn't what it looked like." It probably wasn't what it looked like? Really Preston? That was the best you could do?"

"Hey don't growl at me. You were the one who was dumb enough to walk off with Jess after almost having sex with Low on the dance floor."

I was going to be sick.

I stalked to the door wanting desperately to run. Had she called Cage? To save her from me? Opening the door I stepped into a parking lot full of cars but no people. No Will ow.

Why hadn't I told her what I was going to do? Did she not realize I was doing all I could do not to find an empty corner and run my hands and tongue all over her body? How could she think I would leave her for someone else? Hadn't I made myself perfectly obvious with my interest in her?

Jerking my truck door opened I climbed in and my eyes landed on her purse sitting in the seat she'd vacated. Her phone. Reaching for the small little red purse that had matched her red high heels. Inside was tucked her phone. I pulled it out. One text from Cage.

"I'm heading to Destin tonight baby. Should be back in the morning sometime. Text me when you get home safe." Dropping her purse I cranked up the truck and pulled out of the parking lot. She'd had to walk home. In those heels. In the dark. Looking like the damn sexiest thing on the planet.

My heart was racing in my chest for other reasons now.

Please God let her be okay.

Slowly I drove back to the apartment searching the dark sidewalks for Will ow. There was no sign of her when I finally pulled into the apartment parking lot. She couldn't have walked home. She hadn't had time to walk home. Either she was here and someone gave her a ride or I shook my head. I didn't want to think about the 'or'. I was already starting to panic. I couldn't think that way. I needed to keep my head. Running up the stairs I opened the door to a very dark, quiet apartment.

"Will ow!"

I ran to Cage's bedroom but the bed was empty. She wasn't here. I spun around panicking. Where could she be?

I'd lost her. I get one date with her and I lose her. I couldn't even take care of her for one night. My head was pounding in tune with my heart. I'd go back and stop people along the way. Maybe someone saw her. Maybe she got a ride with someone and they went somewhere else first. Someone had to have seen something. I ran back to the door and jerked it open and took the stairs two at time. I'd find her. I had to.


I halted and spun around to see Will ow walking up the beach with her high heels dangling from her hand. I took off at a run toward her. She was here. She was safe. No one had hurt her. I only had a moment to take in her big expressive green eyes full of surprise before I wrapped her up in my arms.

"You're okay," I declared needing to let it register with my brain that Will ow was okay.

"Yes," she replied in a hesitant voice.

I ran my hand down her hair needing to feel her. To know she was real and she was here. It took me a second to realize her hands had lodged themselves between Copyright 2016 - 2024