Beauty Tempts the Beast (Sins for All Seasons #6) - Lorraine Heath Page 0,87

as though he was holding secrets he was dying to share.

“Hello, Robin,” she said. “I hear you like animals.”

“I love animals. Have you been to the zoological gardens?”

“It’s been a while, but, yes, I have.”

“It’s my favorite place in the whole world.”

“That makes it very special, then, doesn’t it?”

He bobbed his head.

After introducing Althea to Mick and Aslyn, as well as Fancy and Rosemont, Gillie excused herself, and Benedict escorted Althea to a chair where a small woman with dark hair streaked with silver sat, a sleeping child nestled in her arms. When they arrived, he bent and kissed the cheek the woman had tilted up toward him. “Hello, Mum.”

“Hello, lad. Sorry I can’t stand, but I don’t want to wake the little one. She was having a time of it earlier.”

“That’s all right. Better to have Gillie’s babe sleeping than crying. I’d like to introduce you to Thea.”

Her smile was a wreath of happiness. “What a joy it is to meet you.”

“I’m honored to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Trewlove. Your son is a remarkable man.”

“I can’t argue with you there. But then they all make me proud.” Looking up at Benedict, she gave her chin a little jerk. “Move that chair a bit closer so your lass can sit, and we can have a nice chat.”

“She’s not my lass.”

“I’m not his lass.”

They’d spoken at the same time, their eyes clashed, and she could see that his cheeks had gone a ruddy hue. If the heat scoring her face was any indication, hers had as well.

“The chair, lad,” his mother insisted.

He shoved a chair nearer, and Althea sat.

“Off with you,” Mrs. Trewlove ordered her son.

She could tell he was hesitant to leave her. “I’ll be fine.”

“You don’t have to answer any questions you don’t want to.” Reluctantly, he walked away.

“Now, tell me everything about yourself,” Mrs. Trewlove urged.

A queue of nannies arrived to take the babes to the nursery. The tree-trimming was well underway. Beast had assisted at first, but eventually, when he’d realized his proximity to the tree didn’t allow him to overhear whatever his mum and Thea were discussing, he’d excused himself, sought out some scotch, and took a strategic location near the fireplace. He still couldn’t hear them, but from his new vantage point, he could at least see Thea’s face clearly, watch her expressions, and discern if or when he needed to step in to stop the interrogation. Thus far, she’d laughed three times, smiled eight, nodded repeatedly, revealed two things at length—based on how long she’d spoken without interruption. Her shoulders, a good bit of them bared, were relaxed, her hands covered in the gloves he’d given her floated through the air when she spoke, twice seeming to be emphasizing some important point she was making.

“Kissed her yet, guv?”

With a quick exhale, he glanced down at Robin. A time had existed when he would have crouched in order not to lord himself over the boy. But he’d gained some inches and now reached the center of his chest. He wondered if he was older than they’d assumed. “Can you keep a secret, young Robin?”

The lad bobbed his head. “Aye.”

“I have indeed kissed her.”

Robin’s eyes widened as though it was the first time anyone had ever made such a confession in response to his oft-asked question. “What was it like?”

He turned his attention back to Thea. With delight, she was listening intently to whatever tale his mum was spouting. How to do justice to a description of her kiss? All the words in his vocabulary seemed inadequate, incapable of fully revealing the power of it, the way it had made him feel. “It was as vast as the oceans, as infinite as the stars.”

Silence greeted his declaration. He looked down. Robin’s brow was deeply furrowed, his brown eyes troubled, his mouth twisted.

“What does that mean?” the lad finally asked.

“It means I had a jolly good time doing it.”

His eyes brightened and his grin was broad enough to guide seafarers to shore. “Caw. That makes her the best, then, don’t it?”

“Doesn’t it,” he corrected. “And, yes, she is the best.” He didn’t need a qualifier to identify what she was best at. The best, all by itself, applied to her.

“Robin,” Gillie called out, “time to put the star on top of the tree.”

The lad dashed off, gangly arms and legs flying. He was going to be a tall one when everything evened out. But he wasn’t yet tall enough to reach the top of the tree resting Copyright 2016 - 2024