Beauty Tempts the Beast (Sins for All Seasons #6) - Lorraine Heath Page 0,86

been inside.”

“Where did you reside when you lived in the area?”

“If I tell you, you might be tempted to take us by it. I don’t want to see it. Returning is harder than I thought it would be.”

“We can go back to the residence if you like.”

“That would be unfair to your family. I’m certain they’re looking forward to having your presence this evening. I’ll push forward. Tonight will be a test to see if I’m ready to face the demons of my past.”

As they entered the residence, the scent of evergreen hung heavy in the air, no doubt because of all the boughs and garlands that decorated the wide sweeping stairway.

“The duke and duchess are in the parlor,” a liveried footman announced as he took Benedict’s hat and coat and her cloak.

When Benedict offered his arm, she didn’t hesitate to take it before they made their way to the huge room just off the marbled foyer. Once they entered, they stopped and simply absorbed it all. Sprigs of evergreen decorated various tables, garlands draped the mantelpiece. At the far end, on a small table, stood a fir tree.

Throughout the room, people were gathered in little groups talking. His family. Some held babies, jostling them in their arms. While she’d known how many to expect, it was a bit overwhelming to see them all. Or perhaps it was the memories of the cool and distant gatherings in her family’s parlor flooding her mind that had her feeling as though she was drowning and had her tightening her hold on his arm. Or maybe it was her fear that he’d been wrong, and they would indeed all turn their backs on her—or at least the ones who had known her father, her mother, her brothers, herself.

He rubbed his gloved hand over hers, where it rested on his arm. “All will be well.”

Looking up at him, she forced herself to smile. How many times might he have experienced the same trepidation, all because of his birth?

“You’ve arrived!” a tall, slender woman announced, quickly crossing over to them. Her red hair, cut shorter than Benedict’s, framed her face. “Just in time to help us trim the tree.”

Althea didn’t know if she’d ever seen a more welcoming smile. She had to release her hold on Benedict as the Duchess of Thornley’s arms went around him, his around her.

When they separated, she immediately took Althea’s hands, squeezed. “Althea, we’re so glad you could join us. I’m Gillie.”

“I’m very honored to have been invited, Your Grace.”

She smiled once again. “We don’t stand on formality here. I believe you know Thorne.”

The duke had come up to stand behind his wife, and without even turning, she’d known he was there. Just as anytime when Althea walked into the room, no matter how engrossed Benedict was in his book, he seemed to sense her presence and come to his feet.

“Hello, Althea. You’re looking well,” Thorne said.

She had to admit that since moving into the brothel, she was feeling better. Abundant food, warmth, and shelter had benefits, although she suspected she could attribute more of her well-being to the man standing beside her. “Thank you. You as well.”

“How do your brothers fare?”

“Well, as far as I know. I haven’t heard from them recently.”

“Well, we’re glad you’re here.”

“And to that end”—Gillie entwined her arm around Althea’s—“let me introduce you around.”

With Benedict following, she led her over to where Aiden stood with his wife, the former Duchess of Lushing.

“We’ve met,” Aiden said before Gillie could speak.

“Oh?” Selena said. “At the Elysium?”

He grinned. “No, the Cerberus. She made out like a highwayman.”

Her cheeks warmed. “I had a little help I think.”

“Nothing wrong with a little help when it serves a greater good.”

Selena reached out and squeezed her hand. “I’m glad you could join us.”

Finn and Lavinia were next. She couldn’t help but think that in some ways Finn and Aiden resembled each other.

Once introductions were made and greetings exchanged, Lavinia smiled at Benedict. “Thank you for all the dolls and wooden soldiers you sent. Tomorrow morning two hundred children are going to be overjoyed.”

“Two hundred children?” Althea asked.

“They have a children’s home at their horse farm,” Benedict said quietly.

And he’d provided the children with toys. She’d have never known if she’d not come here tonight, and she wondered what else he did for which he neither sought nor received any credit.

“This is Robin,” Finn said, placing his hand on top of the dark head of a lad with mischievous brown eyes, who looked Copyright 2016 - 2024