Beauty Tempts the Beast (Sins for All Seasons #6) - Lorraine Heath Page 0,127

this to him, to make him see, but he hasn’t been part of the aristocracy long enough to know how this will play out. He simply doesn’t understand.”

“But you do. You understand perfectly. Have the courage to show him. Only then will he truly understand the sacrifices that must be made.”

Her entire body, mind, and soul rebelled at the notion. The humiliation she would suffer, the shame, the chill that would settle in her bones. It had nearly killed her before. The months since had toughened her, but was it enough to withstand the bludgeoning she would receive?

The duchess clasped Althea’s hands. “If you truly love my son, you must attend the ball. You must force him to see the repercussions of your presence. Otherwise, I fear he will cling to the possibility of having you, and will never seek out another, will never know happiness. I love him far too much not to do what is best for him. I am in this wheelchair because of my love for him and his father, and yet I have never regretted a day of it. Knowing what I would suffer, I would do it all again in a heartbeat. How much do you truly love my son, Miss Stanwick? What would you endure to ensure his future happiness?”

Chapter 30

As the coach the duchess had sent for her made its way hastily through the streets, Althea fought her nerves, strived for calm. She’d almost instructed the driver to return to the duke’s residence without her, but eventually, she’d climbed inside.

She had considered the green gown, but in the end went with the red. To ensure Benedict understood fully all the ramifications of her presence, she had to be as visible as possible. In a small secret pocket, she’d slipped the match safe he’d given her because she knew on the journey home, which would begin shortly after she arrived, she would need the reminder that even in darkness she could find light.

Hester had fixed her hair into an elaborate coiffure, using the pearl combs Althea had purchased that afternoon. Thanks to Benedict’s generosity, she could indulge herself every now and then. She’d also purchased a pearl necklace and earbobs. If she was going to face the ghosts of her past, she intended to do it with all the dignity and aplomb she could muster. She had no intention of letting them see how harsh they’d made her life.

She’d deliberately delayed her arrival an hour to ensure a more full ballroom, even though it meant a greater humiliation—more backs turned, more cuts.

But his eventual happiness was paramount, and he couldn’t have it if he was lonely, if he didn’t take a wife. She didn’t want to consider how deeply the lacerations to her heart would be when she read of his betrothal in the newspaper. She would survive it.

The coach slowed, turned down a drive, and slowed even further as other vehicles made their way to the front of the residence where steps led into the massive manor. People were not lingering about, thank goodness, so she might make it inside without too many cuts directed her way.

She did notice one man not heading for the steps but standing only a little bit back from the curb. People were giving him a wide berth, not that she blamed them. His arms were crossed over his chest, and he greeted no one. Simply waited.

The coach finally came to a complete stop. A footman stepped forward, opened the door, and handed her down. Her feet had barely hit the brick when Aiden Trewlove was standing before her, having left the spot that it had appeared he was guarding. He offered his hand.

“Beast wasn’t certain you’d show. He asked me to escort you in if you did.”

She placed her hand in his. “You were waiting for me, not knowing if I’d make an appearance?”

Tucking her hand in the crook of his elbow, he began leading her toward the entrance. “He didn’t want you to have to go in alone, and he’s occupied being introduced to all the toffs. I’m sure he’d have rather been out here. Until tonight, he’s never been to one of these things.”

She hadn’t been able to remember seeing him at a ball, but had thought that perhaps she’d simply overlooked him, although he was impossible not to see. “He’s never been to a ball, ever?”

“No. Avoided them like the plague. No ball, no dinner, no fancy affair.”

An earl and countess she knew Copyright 2016 - 2024